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Barry Hines Died


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Born in Barnsley educated at Ecclesfield grammer, a proper South Yorkshire man.

This tribute should be in Sheffield Discussions so as all can see it Barry is a legend in these parts.

Edited by samssong
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there is this legend that when Kes was released in the US, it had English subtitles as its art-house audience would not have understood the South Yorkshire dialect, but I'm not sure how true that is.


Hines was a bit like Orson Welles really. It was all a bit downhill from the brilliant start that was Kes. I didn't actually rate Threads all that much as a film. Nuclear-disaster movies are just short, on drama. They've nowhere to go. Everybody knows, what's going to happen.


Kes still managed to be amazingly fresh even at the end of the sixties when there had already been a surfeit of 'northern,working class' films for ten years, from Saturday Night and Sunday Morning, through to The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner, This Sporting Life etc, all of them good films, but none of them in Kes's really top class. There was a lot of reasons why Kes was such a brilliant movie. Ken Loach was the perfect choice as director. Brilliant performances from previous unknowns and dialogue, but what made it so very special as a film for me, was the brilliant photography of Chris Menges, who like his exact contemporary Hines, was making his debut. Taking the decision to shoot the film in colour rather than the black and white this kind of genre is normally associated with, was an astute one.


Hines, Menges and Loach came together again in 1981 with the Sheffield-set 'Looks and Smiles'. In black and white this time.


Looks and Smiles in full on youtube


it is not a bad film and worth watching just to try and figure out exactly where the Sheffield locations are. Not in Kes's very highest class. But then very few films are.

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Was there ever a DVD made of Kes? I have a copy on disc made by my brother probably from television. I keep it in my 'all time greats' collection but I'm worried I'll wear it out. Everytime someone comes to the house for tea and we're relaxing after, I ask them if they have seen Kes. I haven't met anyone yet who has even heard of it. Still, this is Tasmania, you don't meet many Yorkshire people here.

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there is this legend that when Kes was released in the US, it had English subtitles as its art-house audience would not have understood the South Yorkshire dialect, but I'm not sure how true that is.


I believe Kes had subtitles for the south of England, and why not? The accents are strong and if you're not used to them hard to understand.


It bombed in the USA because no one could understand it and subtitled movies are unpopular there.

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I believe Kes had subtitles for the south of England, and why not? The accents are strong and if you're not used to them hard to understand.


It bombed in the USA because no one could understand it and subtitled movies are unpopular there.



I think it might be an urban legend. I'm not sure it showed with subtitles anywhere.

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dubbed, not subtitled.


Kes was never going to do well in the US regardless. It is not their kind of film and went against their notions of what Britain in the 1960s was all about, which was basically the Beatles, and it, Britain, being this nation of bright young things. Films like Georgy Girl and Darling are 'swinging sixties' films now largely forgotten. But they were huge commercial hits in the US.

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