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Sheffield Peregrine Falcons 2016

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Is it that i catch the Sheffield chicks being fed at the wrong moment, or is there one chick ( in the middle now) that never seems to get its fair share of food. It always seems to be looking the wrong way whenever I see them being fed?!


I thought that a bit ago. One chick was stuck behind the redundant egg and although it was calling and gaping it wasn't getting fed. Towards the end of the feeding it was getting fed though. I think the Sheffield Peregrines get so much food that there is enough to go round. They also have a larder up on top of the church. I've been watching the birds for a few years now and I'm not sure any chicks have died through lack of food.

I believe that children are our future. Unless we stop them now.


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Not spotted the egg of late unless they're all huddled on top of it.


Last year it was removed for analysis. It would make sense for the parents to eat it for added nutrients.

I believe that children are our future. Unless we stop them now.


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