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Mouth ulcers

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I'm a sufferer of the little blighters and have tried most of the remedies from the pharmacies,but the best one is called 'Adcortyl in orbase'.It is pretty disgusting stuff but stick with it,it usually works in a couple of days

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Stress can cause them to flare up ( I am under stress at the moment worrying about the Chester v Morecambe game but up to now am OK).


The best thing is to mix a hot saline solution (hot as you can stand it with plenty of salt) and swill the offending area. It can work, but as with most things, time's your healer.

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Originally posted by Sidla

I always get them if I slip while brushing my teeth. They're very painful at times. Salt is supposed to be the best way to treat them, but i've never tried it.


Check out http://www.mouthulcers.org/


Thanks for that Sidla. It seems nobody actually know for sure what causes them but I think mine was caused while brushing my teeth like you said.


I've tried bonjela in the past and it didn't seem to have any effect.

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