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How Can We Clean Up Politics In This Country?

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The problem you're going to have is that we had a referendum on AV which is the first step in the long transition to some kind of PR. It was defeated by 2:1.


Very few of the political parties supported AV, so the vote went against it.


A little like elected Mayors, but now Cameron is giving some regions Mayors, its a shambles. Some areas with a Mayor and some without.


It was daft to suggest it was a move towards PR, just get the right system and use it, it was a ploy by Cameron to kick it into the long grass, and it worked.

With PR Cameron would not have all the power he has now.


A good thing to clean up politics, would be to force MPs to answer questions, might work for this forum too ;)

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Very few of the political parties supported AV, so the vote went against it.


A little like elected Mayors, but now Cameron is giving some regions Mayors, its a shambles. Some areas with a Mayor and some without.


It was daft to suggest it was a move towards PR, just get the right system and use it, it was a ploy by Cameron to kick it into the long grass, and it worked.

With PR Cameron would not have all the power he has now.


A good thing to clean up politics, would be to force MPs to answer questions, might work for this forum too ;)


All the polling I've ever seen suggests that PR would have even less support than AV. AV was a compromise as whilst it is not proportional, it usually leads to more proportional results.

You're not wrong that PR has it's advantages, but you're facing a long uphill battle to persuade the UK people that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

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The electorate had a 'Left' alternative to Labour, but they didnt vote Green in vast numbers because of our first past the post system.


Didn't really stop anybody voting UKIP.

There's value in a vote even if it doesn't lead to a seat.

It tends to cause the other parties to reconsider their policies.

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To elect one MP


That's not the point. Those 4 million people knew UKIP were going to be severely under-represented in parliament, but voted for them anyway.


There's value in a vote even if it doesn't lead to a seat.

It tends to cause the other parties to reconsider their policies.

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