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Ask an expert. Tree removal advice required

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My fellow Sheffield Forummers, I thank thee for tuning into this thread.


I have 3 now redundant apple trees at the bottom of my garden.

Over the last 6 months I have cut them down to near enough stumps.

However there is a significant living root structure under the ground and I'll be damned if I'm going to attempt to dig the ****er out :hihi:


Now I found the following information about killing off trees in your garden.



What I want to know if any of my fellow forummers have first hand experience of getting trees from thier gardens and killing off the root structure so it can be easily dug out?


Someone mentioned if I cut the tree down to a stump, drill deep holes in it and pour diesel into them it will eventually kill it off enough to just pull the tree from the ground.


I suspect this is not quite true so my fellow vegetation experts.... enlighten me please :D


Many thanks and god speed to you all :hihi:


DaBigGuy! :thumbsup:

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You could always pay a tree surgeon who will use a stump grinder. I guess that for 3 apple tree stumps( which are not large ) would take him about 1/2 hour. A fairly easy job with that sort of tackle admittedly, but a bit of a chore if you have to dig the thing out yourself.

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Cheers for the info guys.

I'm not in any great rush to get the things out so I can wait for the root structure to die off.


I dont fancy paying out £200+ when I can just hang around for the things to die and just pull em out.


If anyone has any other info tho that would be a great help :thumbsup:

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my partner is a tree surgeon who has a stump grinder. The stump grinder actually gets most of the roots out so you wouldnt have to dig them out yourself. If you want him to give you a quote PM me and Ill give you his number. It will take him about 30 minutes to get rid of the lot!

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my partner is a tree surgeon who has a stump grinder. The stump grinder actually gets most of the roots out so you wouldnt have to dig them out yourself. If you want him to give you a quote PM me and Ill give you his number. It will take him about 30 minutes to get rid of the lot!



Stump grinder ya say.... iv got to get me one of them, they sound fun.

i have a husband that likes to come in drunk at half four in the morning and wake me !!!!!


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