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Puppy poo problem/advice


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Hi I have a 4 month old puppy when we got him the breeder told us to feed him royal canin which we did for a few months and we was fine on that


However after researching foods it appeared it wasn't that great so we changed him on to wainwright grain fee puppy food (turkey & veg). He has been on that for a while and likes it, however his poo's are really soft


His poo's have been soft for a while now and its not improving.


I don't really want to change his food again but I don't want him to keep having soft poos.


Any advice thanks :help:

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If you carry on feeding the same food, its going to have the same effect. Mine are on Royal Cannin and I wouldnt feed anything else


Royal canin has a really low score/feedback on websites for dog food comparison so that's why we changed it

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My yorkie has been on royal canin since she was a pup she is 14 month now,never had any problems at all until she went into home boarding a couple of weeks ago.She came back home with chronic diarrhea due to being allowed to eat bakers dog food.

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Bakers is the worst possible food you could feed a dog, I wouldnt use any boarding kennels that used it


We took our own food the royal canin ,but some how they let her eat some bakers which we found strange because she is a fussy eater.

She came back lethargic and very subdued and with a bright red sore bottom, this was licenced home boarding at someones house.

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I cannot find Royal Canin puppy food but have located the Junior one. There are reasons why these products score so poorly and they can be seen here. No further explanation needed.


DaisyBoo - you made a good decision in changing your puppy to a better quality food and Wainwright's is a good one. Are you are feeding grain free wet or grain free dry?


Are you weighing the food accurately? If not, then I would advise you to purchase a small set of digital weighing scales. Overfeeding can cause loose poo, particularly in better quality food. All dog food, be it wet or dry should be weighed and not measured in a cup. Try cutting down a little and don't give any table scraps. Treats are often poor quality and can cause soft stools so for the time being be very careful what you give to your pup.


Loose poo indicates that the food is passing through the intestines too quickly. Normally fluid is reabsorbed as the waste moves through the gut and by the time it reaches the last part of the colon it should be formed and firm. Overfeeding can overburden the dog's digestion system leading to the symptoms you describe.

Edited by ccit
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I cannot find Royal Canin puppy food but have located the Junior one. There are reasons why these products score so poorly and they can be seen here. No further explanation needed.


DaisyBoo - you made a good decision in changing your puppy to a better quality food and Wainwright's is a good one. Are you are feeding grain free wet or grain free dry?


Are you weighing the food accurately? If not, then I would advise you to purchase a small set of digital weighing scales. Overfeeding can cause loose poo, particularly in better quality food. All dog food, be it wet or dry should be weighed and not measured in a cup. Try cutting down a little and don't give any table scraps. Treats are often poor quality and can cause soft stools so for the time being be very careful what you give to your pup.


Loose poo indicates that the food is passing through the intestines too quickly. Normally fluid is reabsorbed as the waste moves through the gut and by the time it reaches the last part of the colon it should be formed and firm. Overfeeding can overburden the dog's digestion system leading to the symptoms you describe.[/QUOT


Hi we are feeding the dry grain free one, he is also only having the Wainwrights treats as well


He doesn't get any table scraps at all, we have never given him any


No we aren't weighing it, I will get some scales and weigh it. I have cooked up some plain white rice and was going to add a little to

His tea, do you think this is a good idea?


Thank you for your help

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Boiled rice should be ok. I am hopeful that once you get the quantity right the poo will firm up. I usually take little notice of the recommended daily amounts on the packet. The figure that I use is 1% to 1.5% of the dog's body weight e.g. an 8kg dog would need 80g to 120g. However, all dogs vary in their dietary needs and in particular puppies may need more. With some breeds, usually the large/giant ones it is very important not to over feed because of the joint problems that can occur.


You should try to regularly monitor the dog's body condition and adjust the food up or down by 10% as required. There are videos on YouTube that explain how to score body condition.


The scales that I use were bought from Argos and only cost about £7. They weigh in 1g divisions. I put a small plastic container on the scale, zero it, weigh the daily amount and put the lid on until needed.

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