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Extension of Workfare To all JSA Claiments

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I have just been "Informed" that from now on ALL JSA claimants have to participate in at least a twenty hour workfare program. Along with this is a ten hour job search requirement. that's a thirty hour per week total. if you don't fulfill this new terms of your job search agreement then you will be given increasing severe Benefit sanctions.

The staff at Hillsborough are also been given twenty plus reduction in their staffing levels. All of this cant be good news for the average job seeker!.

There will be less jobs available, just imagine there will be a 72.000 (https://www.nomisweb.co.uk/reports/lmp/lep/1925185559/report.aspx) plus FREE workforce for all employers. the jobs market will never be the same again.

Edited by monkey69
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Where did you get your info from? 10 hours job seeking a week would be a joke since you are currently expected to spend "several hours" every day looking for work. It may not be true though, I would have expected to have heard about this if it was.

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I have just been "Informed" that from now on ALL JSA claimants have to participate in at least a twenty hour workfare program. Along with this is a ten hour job search requirement. that's a thirty hour per week total. if you don't fulfill this new terms of your job search agreement then you will be given increasing severe Benefit sanctions.


Its all designed to get people off the unemployment register so as to massage the unemployment figures.


If the workfare means working for a company then ask the DWP to provide details first of the insurance cover for you as its is your right to be insured when working for others. Most companies have cover for volunteer and employee liability insurance but is doubtful that you will be covered by them as you are neither a volunteer or employed.

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Its all designed to get people off the unemployment register so as to massage the unemployment figures.


If the workfare means working for a company then ask the DWP to provide details first of the insurance cover for you as its is your right to be insured when working for others. Most companies have cover for volunteer and employee liability insurance but is doubtful that you will be covered by them as you are neither a volunteer or employed.


If you are on workfare you are still claiming JSA and so are still part of the figures, so its not about massaging the figures at all :roll:


I suspect its about getting people out of the habit of doing nothing and into work. Making work pay rather then doing nothing pay.

Edited by Berberis
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If you are on workfare you are still claiming JSA and so are still part of the figures, so its not about massaging the figures at all :roll:


I suspect its about getting people out of the habit of doing nothing and into work. Making work pay rather then doing nothing pay.



Then this reply to Parliament from the Office for National Statistics must be wrong then?


Partial quote:


"Those participants whose activity comprises any form of work, work experience or work-related training are classified as in employment. This is regardless of whether the individual is paid or not."



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Where did you get your info from? 10 hours job seeking a week would be a joke since you are currently expected to spend "several hours" every day looking for work. It may not be true though, I would have expected to have heard about this if it was.


Today when I signed on. the tories haven't wasted much time rolling this it out.

So if you sign you will be given the news soon. I expect the staff there aren't best pleased, the advisor said they have reduced the staff by twenty. Not redeployed so that must mean redudencies

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Appalling, if correct.

If you've not caught any of my other posts, I've been unemployed for a little over 7 months and have therefore exceeded the 'contributionary' aspect of the benefit system; my spouse earns more than £153 a week, so scuppers 'income based' support.

The Job Centre's reaction?

A daily sign-on, at different times each day, only advised the day prior.

I signed off.

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Appalling, if correct.

If you've not caught any of my other posts, I've been unemployed for a little over 7 months and have therefore exceeded the 'contributionary' aspect of the benefit system; my spouse earns more than £153 a week, so scuppers 'income based' support.

The Job Centre's reaction?

A daily sign-on, at different times each day, only advised the day prior.

I signed off.

get yourself a van go around and collect some scrap show the receipt from scrapyard to the benefits office and claim self employed but not earning much (http://www.stokesentinel.co.uk/Romanian-MP-need-PAYE/story-26111677-detail/story.html ) works for these people :roll:
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