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Did you or are you breastfeeding a child?

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Hi lisa its jenny are you still doing the breastfeeding dropin at the library?


Long time no see:D I was there this Monday but only go down during school holidays due to work:S Have you been up to much peer support wise - I havent:(



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Hi lisa its jenny are you still doing the breastfeeding dropin at the library?


Long time no see:D I was there this Monday but only go down during school holidays due to work:S Have you been up to much peer support wise - I havent:(






no i havent and to be honest i thought us all being at the dropin all the time was pointless.

when i started with the breastfeeding course i thought we would all be out there to make a diffrence, but once the course was finished it was a case of sort yourselves out. I thought we would get more support. I also mentioned once that i didnt think a lot of mothers who have breastfeeding troubles would use the drop in and that we needed to be a bit more one to one but i think that went in one ear and out the other.

anyway great to see you on here and i shall stop invading the thread. :D


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I intended on feeding my daughter for at least the first year but after 6 months she decided otherwise and would only take a bottle :(


would definatly try to do it again if i ever had another baby though.. think it is the only thing that kept me almost sane!

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Night time was really special, a nice quite time to just look at each other (arh)

I think maybe the 3rd child was fed longer because knowing it was my last child, i wanted (selfishly) to keep him like a baby. i had to stop because of medication.

when i stopped feeding all my children i felt really sad for a while.

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And, even tho this is sooo off topic, I think that breasts have a two-fold function of attracting a mate and feeding children, in that if your breasts look OK, you will be perceived as being capable of feeding a child, just as a small waist is perceived as a sign that you are not pregnant and infinitely impregnable (is that a word?).


Good for business; good for pleasure! :thumbsup:

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I am personally dreading the weening aspect for the simple reason I fear my boobies will explode! Even now, when I miss a breast-feed, ie when we go out and I take an expressed bottle of my milk (cos I could not bear to breast-feed in public) my baps nearly erupt beyond salvation! How have you all found weaning?

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I only just weaned my daughter at two and a half, and only as I am pregnant again, and it's been fine. Having said that, DH and I went to a wedding last July - for the day - and by the end of the day, my dress was ready to burst. *Winces at the thought.


You can always keep the morning and evening feeds as relief and comfort for your little lamb if it's a question of going back to work. That would help. Don't go weaning too soon now... it doesn't pay!


And well done you for breastfeeding (it's national breastfeeding awareness week this week :thumbsup:) YAY!

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Won't go a-weaning too soon but the Health Visitor is covering this topic at the mo. When did you introduce solids too? Not going back to work 'til next March, and even then it will be even more part-time than I have been so will only be working 9 days a month. Great stuff!

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