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The unemployed are punished with hunger - unemployment the worst crime

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We have at present a government who thinks nothing of its people its all about saving money at any price even if it causes hardship or death. It was heart breaking to read a man who served his country to die in such a fashion we don't know if he had family to turn to and its easy to say he should have done this or that. Remember he was willing to serve for Queen and country to protect you and I . The whole sanction system for ESA or JSA is unfair and abused by the Cameron's government this year we have a chance for a change in our political system do you want a fair government or a oppressive one ?

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We have at present a government who thinks nothing of its people its all about saving money at any price even if it causes hardship or death. It was heart breaking to read a man who served his country to die in such a fashion we don't know if he had family to turn to and its easy to say he should have done this or that. Remember he was willing to serve for Queen and country to protect you and I . The whole sanction system for ESA or JSA is unfair and abused by the Cameron's government this year we have a chance for a change in our political system do you want a fair government or a oppressive one ?


Do you red ed will change it much if he gets in? I'll guess not.

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We have at present a government who thinks nothing of its people its all about saving money at any price even if it causes hardship or death. It was heart breaking to read a man who served his country to die in such a fashion we don't know if he had family to turn to and its easy to say he should have done this or that. Remember he was willing to serve for Queen and country to protect you and I . The whole sanction system for ESA or JSA is unfair and abused by the Cameron's government this year we have a chance for a change in our political system do you want a fair government or a oppressive one ?


We have at present a government who thinks nothing of its people, but will bend over backwards to accommodate its tax dodging cronies and big bucks friends. It saves money at the expense of the people to give fat tax breaks to them. They really are a disguting lot.

Sad thing is, Labour are just as bad. Probably in different ways, but pretty useless all the same. As for the other parties, is there one you can trust? They all promise much but deliver nothing. We really are between a rock and a hard place.

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The majority of people on benefits are genuine , the people who abuse the system eg big families etc are a very small proportion.. most unemployed people are out of work for a bit on benefits then they get back into work.. the people long term unemployed are very small percentage..even if you cancelled benefits given to unemployed it would make zero difference to any debt etc.


Everything I have said above is proven by stats facts etc.. Google "benefits myths facts uk"


Then why do ppl target the unemployed and not tax evading illegally millionaires and criminal bankers.. they do it cause they are soft targets ie SCAPEGOATING.


The people who are sick and disabled like me.. did nothing wrong and never chose the tragedy they suffer from so why should they be punished for being ill.. would you punish someone for having cancer etc??


In a civilised society we look after and protect the vulnerable like sick and disabled , children , old and frail.. this is why you need a safety net if not then you are like animals not civilised.


The banks caused economic problems.. then why are disabled people being punished by having benefits slashed can anyone explain the logic and fairness in this??!!


I got severe illness when I was in school , I was a grade A student at A levels and expected to go to medical school (had offers etc) but illness and years of hell ruined it.. a good hard working very clever grade A child who was expected to become a Doctor (by everyone) wouldn't throw his life away.. even ppl on this forum are not that stupid.


If people don't care about tragedies suffered by other ppls families then that's shameful and callous.. one day YOUR family ie your mother or sister or husband will suffer from problems like sickness disability or unemployment or losing their job.. How will YOU feel when those SAME PROBLEMS strike your family??


In conclusion.. a half decent civilised society has a safety net for weakest vulnerable people.. if you tolerate injustice hardship in others then tomorrow it will be your families turn to be next.


There are people on here who are fancy lawyers or computer programmers and are real smart... please don't be arrogant and ignorant , in a second you could get a crippling breakdown illness and you will need people to feed and clothe you.. kiss goodbye to your high flying career you will become like a child like I did.


I USED to be smart.. friends I knew who were less capable than me are now Doctors Dentists etc.. true story... I was being interviewed by an Atos doctor and it was someone I knew when I was at school.. He was LESS smart than me ie academics.. look he became a doctor I became disabled.... that's how life goes.... now I am nothing cause of very bad health... it can happen to you anytime.


To those in denial etc who say they is no poverty and everyone who is in a problem somehow are authors of their own misfortune.. people like you are ANIMALS you evil despicable creatures you say these things to justify your inaction and not helping people.. inside you know you are wrong you are just selfish and cold.. it's basic psychology at work.. Oh I don't help X cause he caused his own mess.. it's an excuse.


I seen people on here complain about issues which affect them a women here lamented about minimum wage in her thread yet she used pejoratives and insults about unemployed people.. she ONLY cares about an injustice if affects her.. she is a few steps away from

being unemployed herself.. I bet when it happens and it will she will change her tune in a second...


I hope this society rejects the path of ignorance , scapegoating and selfishness for that leads to a third world nation , as someone who is Pakistani British I understand what that means when people have no unity.


Let's stick together and care about each other and build a prosperous nation.... not a third world country... it's upto you??

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Easy way to beat the system. Go online and look up the symptoms for autism or ADHD. Go to GP and tell them your kids have these symptoms, they'll take your word for it. Sit back and get more cash thrown at you than your neighbour gets for grafting their ass off in a crap low paid job. Bonus is, you don't even have to sign on! Seems to be standard practice for half my estate.

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The majority of people on benefits are genuine , the people who abuse the system eg big families etc are a very small proportion.. most unemployed people are out of work for a bit on benefits then they get back into work.. the people long term unemployed are very small percentage..even if you cancelled benefits given to unemployed it would make zero difference to any debt etc.


Everything I have said above is proven by stats facts etc.. Google "benefits myths facts uk"


Then why do ppl target the unemployed and not tax evading illegally millionaires and criminal bankers.. they do it cause they are soft targets ie SCAPEGOATING.


The people who are sick and disabled like me.. did nothing wrong and never chose the tragedy they suffer from so why should they be punished for being ill.. would you punish someone for having cancer etc??


In a civilised society we look after and protect the vulnerable like sick and disabled , children , old and frail.. this is why you need a safety net if not then you are like animals not civilised.


The banks caused economic problems.. then why are disabled people being punished by having benefits slashed can anyone explain the logic and fairness in this??!!


I got severe illness when I was in school , I was a grade A student at A levels and expected to go to medical school (had offers etc) but illness and years of hell ruined it.. a good hard working very clever grade A child who was expected to become a Doctor (by everyone) wouldn't throw his life away.. even ppl on this forum are not that stupid.


If people don't care about tragedies suffered by other ppls families then that's shameful and callous.. one day YOUR family ie your mother or sister or husband will suffer from problems like sickness disability or unemployment or losing their job.. How will YOU feel when those SAME PROBLEMS strike your family??


In conclusion.. a half decent civilised society has a safety net for weakest vulnerable people.. if you tolerate injustice hardship in others then tomorrow it will be your families turn to be next.


There are people on here who are fancy lawyers or computer programmers and are real smart... please don't be arrogant and ignorant , in a second you could get a crippling breakdown illness and you will need people to feed and clothe you.. kiss goodbye to your high flying career you will become like a child like I did.


I USED to be smart.. friends I knew who were less capable than me are now Doctors Dentists etc.. true story... I was being interviewed by an Atos doctor and it was someone I knew when I was at school.. He was LESS smart than me ie academics.. look he became a doctor I became disabled.... that's how life goes....

now I am nothing cause of very bad health... it can happen to you anytime.

To those in denial etc who say they is no poverty and everyone who is in a problem somehow are authors of their own misfortune.. people like you are ANIMALS you evil despicable creatures you say these things to justify your inaction and not helping people.. inside you know you are wrong you are just selfish and cold.. it's basic psychology at work.. Oh I don't help X cause he caused his own mess.. it's an excuse.


I seen people on here complain about issues which affect them a women here lamented about minimum wage in her thread yet she used pejoratives and insults about unemployed people.. she ONLY cares about an injustice if affects her.. she is a few steps away from

being unemployed herself.. I bet when it happens and it will she will change her tune in a second...


I hope this society rejects the path of ignorance , scapegoating and selfishness for that leads to a third world nation , as someone who is Pakistani British I understand what that means when people have no unity.


Let's stick together and care about each other and build a prosperous nation.... not a third world country... it's upto you??


I agree with most of your heartfelt response, especially your last sentence, but please don't consider yourself as 'nothing.' You are articulate and obviously have a lot to offer in other ways, so please value yourself and don't let the b******s get you down.


Sadly that is the way the current system makes you feel, having to justify your very existence, and I don't think people understand that without experiencing it for themselves. That's why so many people who have to rely on benefits end up very depressed and debilitated, often suicidal. It's a rotten way to feel, so don't give in to it.


It's a deliberate ploy by the government to turn ordinary people against other ordinary people in order to deflect blame away from their own failings. Divide and conquer. But I expect you've worked that out for yourself, pity so many others still don't get it. They are turning into small minded, petty, vindictive individuals who know the price of everything but the value of nothing, and frankly, it's them I fear for, rather than people such as yourself.


So concentrate on the things you can do rather on those you can't (even though the system makes you focus on the exact opposite.) And never ever consider yourself as 'nothing.' You are a valuable member of society.

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Thanks Anna for the support , there are some decent ppl out there.. ppl in Britain will decide and determine the outcome of their country.. what I find interesting is that people who are attacking slating the unemployed are a few steps away from the same fate... in Pakistan there is no unity if some poor women is stoned to death cause she gave birth to a female nobody gives a fig.. that's why everyone there is starving poor etc.. karma in action..


If people in Britain want to end up like a third world country then fine but remember these words , most of you will end up dirt poor.


It's disgraceful when I see certain FMs insulting the unemployed.. the same people are a few steps away from the same fate and no surprise when it happens they will change their tune in a second.

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Thanks Anna for the support , there are some decent ppl out there.. ppl in Britain will decide and determine the outcome of their country.. what I find interesting is that people who are attacking slating the unemployed are a few steps away from the same fate... in Pakistan there is no unity if some poor women is stoned to death cause she gave birth to a female nobody gives a fig.. that's why everyone there is starving poor etc.. karma in action..


If people in Britain want to end up like a third world country then fine but remember these words , most of you will end up dirt poor.


It's disgraceful when I see certain FMs insulting the unemployed.. the same people are a few steps away from the same fate and no surprise when it happens they will change their tune in a second.


You are so right in many respects, although I would argue that people in Britain will determine the outcome of the country. Do you mean in the next election?


Don't you agree that the country is only in the state it's in because of the failings of politicians, (all parties,) not because of the people, who by and large work hard and just get on with it.


The idea that we have a choice and can vote for what we want is hollow. Politicians come out with promises in their manifestos and then break every one of them. The things that really matter however, we never have any choice over - half of them we never even hear about until it's too late to do anything about.


Our governments are too secretive by half, and experts at propaganda and pulling the wool over the electorates eyes.

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Yes Anna ppl will vote and decide the outcome of the election.. it's something they can do.. but I understand your points , it's something Brand talks about a lot.. a few ppl control the media , big corporations business use bribes to control governments and laws.


There are ways around it , if people protested in many ways not just physically it could make change , for example if ppl stop buying certain junk newspapers then it would hurt those in power , if ppl didn't fall for the divide and conquer propaganda then that would be a good thing too.


Basically ppl need to stick together , if they do that they'll be fine , but if they are selfish etc then most ppl will be screwed.. sadly I see it on these forums a lot certain ppl are only interested in an issue out of self interest.. no body seems to care about anyone else , and that's the fault of a selfish society.

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I agree, but I don't think they've failed. I think they've deliberately and successfully turned the country into one that's run for the rich, by the rich. Partly by convincing just enough people on £25,000 a year that their interests are the same as those of someone on £250,000 a year.


And we've voted for them every time. Unless we take a leaf out of greeces book, we'll be doing the same next time too.

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