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Russell Brand's alternative politics

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He can't, he's "afraid he'll turn into one of them".


Pathetic, just like the rest of his rhetoric.


Not pathetic. Very true, and I think it's already started to happen. I thought he was quiet and stand offish last night, compared to his usual self. He was squirming about in his chair and you could see he was biting his tongue.


When he said, "pay their pensions then love" to Penny, he said afterwards, "that was a sexist comment, sorry, I'm working on that!". Just because he called her love?!


But that's what happens when you become involved in politics. The media will pull you apart for saying something as silly as that. The more Brand becomes involved, the more he is becoming attacked and belittled by the right wing press. It's sad to watch and I hope he doesn't get thrown off course by the machine, because I love his outspoken behaviour. I can't remember anyone ever standing up and being so out spoken against politicians like this in all my life. Someone needs to do it.

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But that's what happens when you become involved in politics. The media will pull you apart for saying something as silly as that..


You don't seem to mind when it's Farage/Cameron/Clegg being attacked.. you can't have it both ways..if he really wants to make changes he's got to do more than jump up and down..

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The more Brand becomes involved, the more he is becoming attacked and belittled by the right wing press.


No, the more he becomes involved, the clearer it becomes he's out of his depth.


Every time he was asked a question, he started out with some generic blurb about how the subject of the question was noble / evil and needed to be supported / tackled, then just turned it into hate and bile towards Farage.


Look at how he tried to scuttle away during an interview with Channel Four news, trying to turn it around on the interviewer.

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You don't seem to mind when it's Farage/Cameron/Clegg being attacked.. you can't have it both ways..if he really wants to make changes he's got to do more than jump up and down..


You're missing my point. He said he doesn't want to become one of those. Yet even someone as outspoken as Brand is actually turning into someone who feels the need to hold back and correct his silly little none PC errors.


---------- Post added 12-12-2014 at 11:25 ----------


He came across as a Politics student with well rehearsed rants.


Well in a way, that's what he is. Self taught. He's not a politician. Did you notice how his "well rehearsed rants" weren't actually addressed by anyone on the panel?


---------- Post added 12-12-2014 at 11:27 ----------


Look at how he tried to scuttle away during an interview with Channel Four news, trying to turn it around on the interviewer.


The reason why Brand was at downing street was because of the fight that the families of the New Era Estate are going through. The reporter was the one who turned it around against Russell Brand.

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I thought he was quiet and stand offish last night, compared to his usual self. He was squirming about in his chair and you could see he was biting his tongue.
I thought that was exactly what we were going to get from him, and he was equal to himself: a mono-thought opinionated loud-mouth, out of his depth, cowed and shown-up by the panel. Hopefully that's the end of him in the political sphere (but not of his message, to be sure).


Farage was his usual opportunistic and veneered self, so will have come out smelling of roses to his audience as expected. Creagh was doing a by-the-numbers Labour it's-all-the-ConDems-fault-since-2010 number. Mordaunt might as well not have bothered turning up.


The 'best' panel member by a country mile was the Sunday Times columnist, Camilla Cavendish. Calm, spoke complete sense, the voice of reason and authority. Really made a case for the question "Do we actually need politicians"? ;)

He can't, he's "afraid he'll turn into one of them".


Pathetic, just like the rest of his rhetoric.

Agreed. When he came out with that line, I thought that was such a bare-faced cop out & case of "do as I say, not as I do" as I've seen in a very long time. Edited by L00b
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