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Who's your favourite Sheffield Street Urchin Celebrity?


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Years ago there used to be the " Mirror Man " who was a tramp who lived most of the time in the concourse of Sheffield Midland Station.


Why was he called the Mirror Man?


Tramps have never struck me as being afficinados of Captain Beefheart's album Bluejeans and Moonbeams (there was a line "watch out for the mirror man and elixir sue" if memory sreves)

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Years ago there used to be the " Mirror Man " who was a tramp who lived most of the time in the concourse of Sheffield Midland Station.


Was he the inspiration for the Human league song ?


(I'm guessing not)

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what happened to the bloke with the patchy skin, kinda black but with pink bits, blue jacket, curly hair....used to knock around abbeydale road/ecclesall road area...last i saw he was urinating at students walking past hoho

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what happened to the bloke with the patchy skin, kinda black but with pink bits, blue jacket, curly hair....used to knock around abbeydale road/ecclesall road area...last i saw he was urinating at students walking past hoho



He knocks about a bit on Glossop Road nr the Hospital, I used to throw him out of the West End quite a lot when I worked there. He would always try and get served, and whether he had enough money or not, aint no way he was getting anything apart from abuse!

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I was accosted by the 'friendliest tramp in Sheffield' the other weekend when on my way to M&S in town. He's approached me before and in the past I've listened to his spiel about being genuine, not a druggy, down on his luck etc (which never washes with me) and so on this occasion I though it better to cut short his speech and so save his breath. He promptly replied with, "Drop dead." Now perhaps I'm biased but doesn't he deserved to be stripped of his "friendliest tramp in Sheffield" status?

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does anyone remember cockney john? Possibly early to mid nineties.He was often the cause of a gathering on fargate, seemed quite partial to collapsing outside boots. accompanied by an ambulance, police car or two. Often seen in a state of collapse with technicolour seat area of his jeans. Southern accent(when capable of talking) and a big beard.When he died he got a write up in the star - everyone knew him.

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