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The Netherthorpe Fawcett Street Parking Scheme scam

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I wrote to the council asking for parking permits to be introduced on my road, and was told no. The reason I asked is myself and other neighbours are sick and tired of not being able to park outside or even near our own houses due to a local shop (which has a dusty car park, therefore people won't use it) people just park on our tiny street and are not considerate and don't park with any thought meaning no one else can park. Cars are often hit and left with damage, I can't even count up how many times my neighbours has been left with damage on it (he regularly leaves his stood for months whilst away) and Not once has anyone admitted they've bumped it.


A older man sat in his car once watched me struggle with shopping bags and when I politely said would you be able to move your car down there a bit so I can get in and get my shopping out, he said 'p*** off I pay my road tax I'll park where I like'....so much for elderly people having manners. Not being able to park near your house let alone with reasonable distance is a real pain and I'd be all for paying for a permit so I could park!

Edited by fridayfeelin
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Sadly having a permit is no guarantee of actually getting a parking space, depending on how many permits are issued.


Our whole street asked for resident parking permits (everybody signed the letter) because of the number of people who use the street as an informal park and ride for the tram into town and the number of people who use the street to park for local restaurants and businesses because you can't park on the main road, but we were told that there were no plans for a scheme in our area.


What the planners fail to see is that we had a parking problem before all of the other parking schemes were introduced in other areas, pushing even more people to use the streets that don't have restrictions for whole day parking.


If your houses are not as wide as the average car is long then you don't have enough space for each house to have a car as it is. Then you add in people who have households who have more than one car and genuine visitors to the street and you don't have space for your street to be used as a glorified car park.

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Thc council say they consulted residents-

But this was probably in very small print in Klingon at the back of Exchange and Mart.


Having said that, when they imposed this tax on the residents of Sharrowvale, I wrote opposing the scheme, I went to public meetings and asked for futher balloting and even exclusion for the street (with the support of the neighbours) I was in and they ignored every request - not even bothering to take minutes of the public meetings.


In the end 15% of the residents voted for the scheme and it was imposed on the rest - purely because of the cash generation - they now raise more than £1000000 per year from parking schemes - this partly offsets the £33M of unpaid council taxes they can't be bothered to collect!!!


Unfortunately I don't think you have a hope of any change of mind once they have tethered their cash cow to your car.


Sorry - but write to your councillor.


Good on you for trying and exposing this racketeer, it must've been very disappointing when you have concrete evidence proving the CPZ is nothing but a scam. This is why Councils operate a grind you down policy and rely on folk just paying up and not putting up a fight.


In parts of France they tried to introduce all kinds of eco taxes and congestion charges in Paris, but they don't stand for this BS, they unified and brought several parts of the country to a halt, the government then had no choice but to back down.


We need to learn from the French and have a parking revolution in this country. The authorities need to know they are there to serve us, and we not here to serve them.

Edited by SamJ89
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Well it's abit of a pity we just re-instated the same Labour council really isn't it??

A good chance to effect change wasted there.


Not really, given only one third of the council was up for election anyway, no other party could have gained overall control and the chances of Labour losing their majority was slim to none.

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Good on you for trying and exposing this racketeer, it must've been very disappointing when you have concrete evidence proving the CPZ is nothing but a scam. This is why Councils operate a grind you down policy and rely on folk just paying up and not putting up a fight.



As voted representatives, I guess the council doesn't necessarily need everyone's buy in.


What makes me so angry, is that they are dressing it up as a consultation. What's the point? This really needs exposing for what it is. Like you say, a racket.

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