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Ukip. All discussion here please.

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It really is awful - even disregarding the stupid (and obviously) racist accent, it just shows how moronic UKIP are.

It repeats such stupid Euro myths that even the Daily Express would think twice (like that silly old banana one).


What's the bizarre line about 'We'll start telling the truth about you' supposed to mean anyway? The only possible way to read it is as an admission that they are lying at the moment?

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Are you seriously trying to tell me that the reason the authorities didn't act was down to political correctness?


Despite ample evidence - some of which I have provided a link to - that in other circumstances the police have no problem ignoring any concerns of racial minorities.


The most revealing comment in the article I linked to concerning the professor who investigated it, was when she quoted a Rotherham detective who claimed that the five men who had had sex with a 12 year old " hadn't committed rape because the sex was consensual."


So a police officer charged with upholding the law decides to ignore the law and make his own rules up as he goes along.


A 12 year old isn't legally able to give consent because they haven't reached the age of consent, the clue is in the description.


PC is a deflection and an excuse, and it shows how effective it is in that some people are prepared to give it consideration.


Your example simply shows how people seek a justifiable excuse for avoiding the right course of action and to bury cases.


How do you explain that the cases they failed to act appropriately on all relate to offenders from an ethnic/cultural minority? How is it they generally (barring the inevitable mistakes which should average out) did their duty when offenders where not from an ethnic/cultural minority?


Please read this BBC article, and then explain why the police are prepared to behave in that manner with random Asian and Black youths, the majority of whom are innocent of anything other than being in a certain place at a certain time, and yet feel unable to question Asians accused of serious crimes.




Which action is liable to annoy the Asian community the most?


Stopping random youths in the street and questioning them without any actual cause - otherwise known as 'racial profiling' - or questioning Asians following complaints of crimes being committed?


Also, when they did get around to doing their duty, following pressure put on them by an investigative reporter from the Times and someone employed by PACE, what was the reaction from the Asian community?


Did all hell break loose? Was Rotherham reduced to a replica of Belfast in the 70s?


Apart from muppets such as the EDL and BNP attempting to make capitol from the situation, what happened? Did the sky fall down?


The fear was not of an uprising by Muslims. It was simply fear of criticism, a mere sniff of potential racism, which would result in a career being stunted or even terminated. There is also an element of 'institutionalisation' where people lower down the ranks learn that the bosses will pull the plug so they stop wasting time and effort on cases that will go nowhere and instead focus on those where they can make a difference.


You can ignore what the Jay report says, and what people like me with 20 odd years of public sector experience, because it isn't what you want to hear. But denying the problem simply helps to perpetuate it. People denying the problem are part of the problem and share responsibility for the outcomes of this unhealthy culture.


---------- Post added 22-10-2014 at 07:48 ----------


It really is awful - even disregarding the stupid (and obviously) racist accent, it just shows how moronic UKIP are.

It repeats such stupid Euro myths that even the Daily Express would think twice (like that silly old banana one).


Granted the song is a bit naff but some of the EU 'myths' are based on truth. The EU did rule that class 1 bananas must not have 'abnormal curvation'. Here is a link.

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Your example simply shows how people seek a justifiable excuse for avoiding the right course of action and to bury cases.


How do you explain that the cases they failed to act appropriately on all relate to offenders from an ethnic/cultural minority? How is it they generally (barring the inevitable mistakes which should average out) did their duty when offenders where not from an ethnic/cultural minority?




The fear was not of an uprising by Muslims. It was simply fear of criticism, a mere sniff of potential racism, which would result in a career being stunted or even terminated. There is also an element of 'institutionalisation' where people lower down the ranks learn that the bosses will pull the plug so they stop wasting time and effort on cases that will go nowhere and instead focus on those where they can make a difference.


You can ignore what the Jay report says, and what people like me with 20 odd years of public sector experience, because it isn't what you want to hear. But denying the problem simply helps to perpetuate it. People denying the problem are part of the problem and share responsibility for the outcomes of this unhealthy culture.


---------- Post added 22-10-2014 at 07:48 ----------



Granted the song is a bit naff but some of the EU 'myths' are based on truth. The EU did rule that class 1 bananas must not have 'abnormal curvation'. Here is a link.


Even that confirms there was never any plan to ban anything.


Anyway, he's withdrawn the song now - ha!



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It really is awful - even disregarding the stupid (and obviously) racist accent, it just shows how moronic UKIP are.

It repeats such stupid Euro myths that even the Daily Express would think twice (like that silly old banana one).


What's the bizarre line about 'We'll start telling the truth about you' supposed to mean anyway? The only possible way to read it is as an admission that they are lying at the moment?


I don't like UKIP as they have no policies other than get out of the EU, so I am not meaning to defend them.


The banana thing, if you are meaning what I think you are, was true (something about the curviture of bananas).


The line "We will start telling the truth" is in relation to their stance that they are the only honest Party. The rest of the Parties are allegedly all in chaoots, giving each other jobs and lying to the public. They kind of have a point, I just don't believe that they will be better.


However, I absolutely agree with you that it is racist to mimic an accent that isn't naturally yours, especially if they are from a different country. Surely the biggest racist in this country is our own Sean Bean. I have him on film doing Russian, American and Scottish accents. Scum bag!


The problem with criticising UKIP without logical foundation and free from rhetoric (like you did) is that it actually strengthens their position. \

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The Pakistani community account for less than 4% of the population of Rotherham. Pakistani men less than 2%. To try to make light of 1400 rape victims who are the victims of this 2% is being rather more disingenuous, and is rather more indicative of the general need around here to try to cover this up.


Please point out where exactly I 'have tried to make light' of this situation?


In an earlier post I described it as an obscenity, and that is precisely what I believe it was.


My point is not to attempt to defend the Pakistani community, they are as guilty as hell in this instance ,this activity must have been known to their community and what precisely was done about it?


My point is this, The attempts by the Rotherham police and Council officials to excuse their failings by blaming it on political correctness is a load of unmitigated nonsense.


They are both attempting to deflect criticism by dragging in a policy that is unpopular with people who have never sat down and worked out precisely what it means.


Going on the authorities lame excuse,and taking it to its logical conclusion, if a team of Asian bank robbers rocked up in Rotherham and knocked over a bank they would then be allowed to continue untroubled to rob all ten or so Rotherham banks because of ' Political Correctness and Racial Sensitivity'.


If not, why not?


Surely the same principle applies?

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I don't like UKIP as they have no policies other than get out of the EU, so I am not meaning to defend them.


[/b] charmer - may pay you to look at their policies closer - they have many more you are quite obviously not aware of!



The rest of the Parties are allegedly all in chaoots, giving each other jobs and lying to the public. They kind of have a point, I just don't believe that they will be better.


Both Labour AND Tories are lying to the public.


However, I absolutely agree with you that it is racist to mimic an accent that isn't naturally yours, especially if they are from a different country.


Did any one from the Caribbean complain? What about the American comedian who did a send up on the Banana Boat song?



The problem with criticising UKIP without logical foundation and free from rhetoric (like you did) is that it actually strengthens their position. \


Very likely too charmer!

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A Ukip spokesman said it was a shame Read had been treated “so harshly” by the “right-on media” and its “synthetic outrage”, describing the song as “just a bit of fun”.


“This is Mike’s song and it is obviously his decision what to do with it,” said a party spokesman.


“We do think it is a shame that he has been treated so harshly by many in the ‘right-on’ media, but we respect his decision.


“We thought it was just a bit of fun, as did thousands of people, evidenced by how well it has been selling.


“Were it not for the synthetic outrage, the song would have generated a lot of money for charity, as profits were to be split with the Red Cross for their Ebola Outreach programme.


“It’s a pity those so concerned with political correctness have trodden all over this.”



---------- Post added 22-10-2014 at 12:31 ----------


I don't like UKIP as they have no policies other than get out of the EU, so I am not meaning to defend them.


The banana thing, if you are meaning what I think you are, was true (something about the curviture of bananas).


The line "We will start telling the truth" is in relation to their stance that they are the only honest Party. The rest of the Parties are allegedly all in chaoots, giving each other jobs and lying to the public. They kind of have a point, I just don't believe that they will be better.


However, I absolutely agree with you that it is racist to mimic an accent that isn't naturally yours, especially if they are from a different country. Surely the biggest racist in this country is our own Sean Bean. I have him on film doing Russian, American and Scottish accents. Scum bag!


The problem with criticising UKIP without logical foundation and free from rhetoric (like you did) is that it actually strengthens their position. \



Not to mention Gondor!

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Actually, I was hoping that it wouldn't get pulled as it did a fantastic job of making UKIP look very silly. They don't need any help from the "leftie PC brigade" to make themselves look like prats.

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