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Sheffield Half Marathon is a shambles

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Sheffield has hosted international football matches since 1989. Wasn't Hillsborough part of Euro 96 and of the recent failed World Cup bid? Last summer England under 21s (or 19s or 18s) played at Bramall Lane. FA Cup semi-finals are all at Wembley now so the stigma over Hillsborough isn't an issue.


Although interestingly since the Millennium England have played around 80 matches in this country. Manchester has hosted 15 of them. Leeds Southampton, Middlesborough and even Derby have hosted them. But the city of sport hasn't.

I even went to Chesterfield once to watch Yorkshire play a county cricket match. I wonder if Sheffield will ever host another international athletics meeting.

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Although interestingly since the Millennium England have played around 80 matches in this country. Manchester has hosted 15 of them. Leeds Southampton, Middlesborough and even Derby have hosted them. But the city of sport hasn't.



Maybe because those places have nicer/bigger, more modern stadiums than Sheffield has these days. You are trying to make a connection that isnt there. As already said, Sheffield hosted three (?) Euro '96 games in the days before the current football grounds of Derby and Southampton even existed, and Middlesboroughs new ground had only been open one year.


And as for Manchester, they had a stadium that could seat 75k the last time i looked, cant be far off the total combined seating capacity of both Sheffield clubs put together.

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Maybe because those places have nicer/bigger, more modern stadiums than Sheffield has these days. You are trying to make a connection that isnt there. As already said, Sheffield hosted three (?) Euro '96 games in the days before the current football grounds of Derby and Southampton even existed, and Middlesboroughs new ground had only been open one year.


And as for Manchester, they had a stadium that could seat 75k the last time i looked, cant be far off the total combined seating capacity of both Sheffield clubs put together.


Ah that must be it. If only we had a stadium that could host major events. I bet top bands would come and play there. What a pity Sheffield doesn't have such a stadium, particularly as it likes to be known as the city of sport.

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Prune do you have anything good to say about Sheffield? You certainly seem to enjoy running it down.


Don Valley Stadium is nice but I've not been since I went to watch U2 play there a few years back.


---------- Post added 09-04-2014 at 14:19 ----------


Glad you are finally understanding.


By the way you missed that Manchester has 3 world class stadia. 2 at Old Trafford and the one now used by Manchester City.

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Why are we discussing football on a thread about the Half Marathon fiasco?


As fas I can tell, the people with the most sensible comments on here are those who ran the race, and they have only positive things to say about the running of the event next year.


I do agree that the committee should be keeping their mouths shut until the facts are sorted - what if it turns out they bungled the emails and missed the vital payments information, Water Direct are not going to be too impressed at having their name in disrepute!

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As fas I can tell, the people with the most sensible comments on here are those who ran the race, and they have only positive things to say about the running of the event next year.



Clearly not all..

Anita Parkinson-curr I want my money back. I did as directed by the organisers. I didn't disobey the police officers who told us we couldn't join in the race. It has cost me in excess of £200 to travel up from London and stay in a hotel for two nights. They have broken the contract we entered into . It was not an act of god. I waited over an hour on the start line and two further hours as I had to wait for the rest of my group who were further up the field to complete a race that was cancelled. I am furious. At the least I should be allowed a free entry to next years race as do the others who did as directed .


Bill Jackson Don't bother we will be stering well clear of anything your buinch of clowns are involved in. This incompetent farcical organisation should be banned from every organising a marathon in future.


Vicky Palmer Personally I can see this ending up in court. Fine - the rules might say no refunds but I'm sure they say nothing about runners not suing for compensation. The organisers have the perfect opportunity here to at least try to show some humility by allowing the people who did not run to choose a refund or a free entry.

The refusal to communicate with any of the justifiably disgruntled runners is not helping their cause one bit!

Organisers - fall on your swords and accept that refunds of some description are required if you wish to save even a scrap of your dignity from this debacle! And if refunds aren't allowed, just call it a gesture of good will! Whatever you do - Get your heads out of the sands, roll up your sleeves and sort it out!!


Ryan Alfie Ryan Beeden It just gets beyond a joke, I was 1 of the unlucky ones informed at the start by police and officials that a road block was in place as the roads will be open, your chip time won't work and those that have set off will be turned back so you may aswell go home, only to get home and discover what happened. All this "alls well that ends well" message that's being circulated in the media etc is just winding me up even more, now they say no refund, or even deferred place for another date, joke.


Nige Wright disgraceful, if there not going to refund at least a free entry to the next one, if there allowed to stage it again! thank god for the good people of sheffield.


David Beadle I also am missing my medal from my bag like Ru, something else that was forgotten, seeing as I though it doesnt look like a refund is coming, is there any chance of getting what I've paid for?


Jenny Peel Just read that the water company are offering free water next year. NO POINT in that as the Organisers will just make more money. GIve the amount to charity NOT the Organisers as they're not going to pass it on to the runners. Shame on them.....


Dave Walsh I hope a decent Law firm takes the organisers to the cleaners.


Jenny Peel Mistakes happen but it's how they are handled. This was handled appallingly. I doubt many will be back to Sheffeld - shame on you Organisers. You didn't even look or sound sorry - and you tried to cancel the Fun Run - which just seemed a total lack of care. No one should be making money out of this event and if you won't give it back give all surpluses to charity........

Matt Stone I 'ran' it yesterday. One word...farcical. All us runner's ask for is a course, water at regular intervals and communication. It's not rocket science. We only got one out of the three. Sack the lot of them!!


Mel Broadhurst Absolutely disgusting!!! My friends and I have trained for months some raised a lot of money for charity. Terrible lack of communication, won't be doing the Sheffield half again!!!! And I will get my money back!!!!!"


Adam Broadhead "That is absolutely shocking organisation. You guys have embarrassed the city."


Adam Stern So disappointing for the runners but I also have to say hats off to the Sheffield communities for their efforts in supplying water unofficially to the runners! Proud to be from Sheffield for that, just a shame the organisation and communication of the race was so shambolic!!"


That's just a few from the Facebook page.

Edited by Anna Glypta
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