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Sheffield Half Marathon is a shambles

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If you read the statement then


1. Why are they devastated the event didnt go ahead= they sense a legal claim coming and bad publicity.

2. Why are the offering free water next year?= because its a fob off to avoid legal action.

3. At the end of the statement it says they were selected.


All true, so why not come out and say in the first paragraph that they were contracted to do it? It just seemed they were being careful not to say that. I couldn't work out whether the final paragraph referred to the Sheffield event or to the Olympic ones.

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A question mark has been raised over this statement which states "We quoted" - does this suggest the order wasn't confirmed? Or are people reading too much into it...


My argument over the PA issue is that the ones right at the back who had no clue why or if the event had been cancelled are generally the less fit, possibly first-timers, who will be more in need of water, so they were the ones most at risk IMO.


Funny that people are debating cups vs bottles, myself and a friend had that very discussion yesterday outside Ponds Forge! I actually prefer cups as they are easier to slosh over your head and I feel there is less wastage - I slow momentarily to take a slurp, chuck it over my head, chuck the cup away and carry on. I find with bottles, I take a slurp (admittedly not having to do the egg and spoon race impression required with a cup), squirt a bit on my head, but then throw nearly a full bottle away which seems a huge waste. The small bottles are better, but I can see pros and cons of bottles and cups to be honest, in smaller races. In a mass participation event, however, I would imagine it's impossible to keep up with the demand for cups, so bottles would be the only feasible option, I would have thought?


As for the refunds, it's interesting that for something like snow or injury we just accept cancellation or not being able to run, and don't expect our money back (unless we blame the weatherman/sky/God/dodgy knee etc) whereas when we feel someone hasn't done their job properly we want a refund! I can see why, but, as 999tigger put it, at the end of the day the runners just want an apology and some recognition of the inconvenience caused - £25 or so lost is not really going to make much difference to each individual whereas it would to the success of the event in the future.

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All true, so why not come out and say in the first paragraph that they were contracted to do it? It just seemed they were being careful not to say that. I couldn't work out whether the final paragraph referred to the Sheffield event or to the Olympic ones.


Already explained this, but what happens if they feel there is a claim coming their way then they contact insurers. Insurers say admit nothing because if the claim is on insurance then its the insurers who will pay. The statement is more a holding statement (ie a bit meaningless), it comes across as a bit insincere and back covering especially the bit at the end RichK was laughing about re their delivering things on time.


Its written by a manager rather than PR. I hope sheffield marathon sue the pants off them or get enough leverage that a good settlement is reached.

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Rubbish if it wasnt them then they would say it wasnt them.


We will have to see what the investigation says.


It seems strange that you are as quick to draw the conclusion it is the water company as people were to blame the council. :huh:


Maybe it was them but you don't know that until a statement is issued.

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Quick question - does the winner of the race get a cash prize? I assume he wont be getting this?


I thought about that as well. As they canceled, then not entitled. That said i would still distribute some money in acknowledgement of the ones who took the race seriously. Free entry next year and £50 for the top 40 runners? or prizes as is, but then it wasnt a real race?

They need to make some gesture to the more pro runners imo.


Prizes are here.




Prizes are £500,200,100 for M and F money. rest are vouchers from sponsor.

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We will have to see what the investigation says.


It seems strange that you are as quick to draw the conclusion it is the water company as people were to blame the council. :huh:


Maybe it was them but you don't know that until a statement is issued.


If no water turns up and they are the people you are paying to provide it then who else do you think it could be? Their lorry, their water.


The reason people are saying it wasnt the Council is because they arent responsible for organising it. Quite different things. If you can provide am a;ternate suggestion of who else it might be other than the person you are paying then am interested to hear your thoughts.


Whether or not they had their own problems is irrelevant in terms of a contract to deliver goods. Only something like force majeure would offer them a way out.

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