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Sheffield Half Marathon is a shambles

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It's officially cancelled but Sheffielders are giving out water along the route..


Not on the route and I gave my big water carriers away so am a bit stuck to get water down there myself but a massive well done to those who are doing so

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My thoughts to all of the runners who have put in hours and hours of training, the sacrifices made, the cost of entry, kit and travel. Alongside the pre-run anxiety. All for nothing.


On the contrary, my thoughts this morning went out to the thousands, if not tens of thousands, of people (my family included) who were stopped from going about their legitimate business due to road closures. Why should the leisure activities of a tiny minority be allowed to cause massive inconvenience to the people of an entire city? There are plenty of parks in this city where it would be very easy to setup a 13 mile course. I'm now feeling much better after reading the news about this farce. Maybe the selfish runners now know what it's like to suffer some inconvenience.

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On the contrary, my thoughts this morning went out to the thousands, if not tens of thousands, of people (my family included) who were stopped from going about their legitimate business due to road closures. Why should the leisure activities of a tiny minority be allowed to cause massive inconvenience to the people of an entire city? There are plenty of parks in this city where it would be very easy to setup a 13 mile course. I'm now feeling much better after reading the news about this farce. Maybe the selfish runners now know what it's like to suffer some inconvenience.


Heh what a Victor Meldrew. Did you do a little jig as well at all the charities that will miss out on funds raised or people that have been trainin for a long time to do soemthing for others. Wow there were a few roads closed for public safety reasons. If you want selfish then look in the mirror.

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To reiterate, Sheffield Council are blameless on this part.



"The SIG Insulation Sheffield Half Marathon is organised and run by volunteers and every penny raised is split between the 10 locally nominated charities, last year £105,000 was raised."

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Oh and as for the cancellation, what a mess.

Someone should be for the chop if they dont have an excuse, if its a supplier then they should be sued. Surely they knew there were problems 24 hours in advance? How important is water for such a short run that they couldnt have organised something quickly?


I suspect the H&S people ordered them to shut it down.

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