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Combining UK and Islamic law

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UK law says that


A spouse regardless of sex is entitled to one-half of the estate if:


there is a valid will, and

the deceased spouse has no children or grandchildren.


Where do you get this from? Care to link us up?

If there is a valid will the property passes according to the will. the spouse gets what the will says she gets. The spuse can still apply to the court for spousal support.


I think you are confused or misinformed ivanava.

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This is getting silly now, nobody is going to change their view and the thread is going nowhere


No harm in trying to educate the misinformed about the true legal position. If people understood that, then they wouldnt get so wound up about supposed changes that arent being made. Thanks though.

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The threads in SF often surprises me. So now I realised the private affair of other individuals in this country. I can now absolutely see who is selfish and who do not have an ounce of responsibility to their own families and so forth. No wonder this is a "broken" society.


There is no "British way of life". Especially with regards to family affairs. Many people as I know in my own circle still looks after their own female members of the family too, as well as putting equality amongst their own children. Some children also look after their own families too and make sure that they do not go into a care home. To thank them for raising them and so forth. There is indeed a lot of piety duties, even though some thinks that the government "owes" them to look after them.


No wonder people do not get married. It is because of laws like this. No wonder people also do not have focus in life, and do not have strong attachments to their own partners, and can switch partners asap to survive. It makes sense.


I actually am glad then in this case to see some kind of adjustment to the current law so that the family tree is preserved somewhat. As long as the flexibility is there, and it is not locked in stone, then I do not seethe problem here. Some families or parents may adjust accordingly on the percentages or whatever depending on how well their children are doing, so that seems fair.


At the end of the day, why should anybody be throwing up in arms about this, when in reality, this is not mutually exclusive to Islam only. A lot of families already WANT and DO succession planning already !


It always amazes me what other people assume of so many other families out there in the UK, and I can see why.


Just because others see and view and judge others with their own cynic-tinted glasses does not mean that they are "mind controlled". Grow up and see the reality. If you have no empathy and understanding and attachment to the specific families, how will you ever know how their relationships will be ? So stop displacing your own perception of the worldview onto other families, and try to enforce the law onto others who do not want this. They don't.


I can definitely see that so many people actually "live by the law" and thinks that everyone literally lives as the law dictates without flexibility to their own private lives. To me, this is quite private, and personal to each family. It is quite atrocious to think that others can control many other citizens through a political vote. How outrageous is that ?




Well done Mr Osborne for going with your heart and respecting your elders' wishes. Well done indeed. I wish you every happiness. You really topped that stupid statistic and stereotype then. :)



Filial piety and respect goes hand in hand.


---------- Post added 25-03-2014 at 14:14 ----------


Oh, the "law of the land" was that there were peasants, and then land owners, but that still does not mean that one cannot actually extend their feelings and attachment to their own families and let them make good. The history is history for a reason and the world moves on also for a reason. If you do not look after your own children, then who will and why should the state look after them for you ? Also, why would you be so selfish as to spend it on yourself, or not to even try and work harder in your lifetime to provide for your own children ? If you are brave enough to have children, then you should be brave enough to look after and provide for them too, and work hard.


Certain priorities do not change in life. Regardless of religion, or regardless of culture. They are the same. People like to "brand" things here in the UK, but I am almost certain that most will have this kind of sentiments in their own hearts.

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Non-self altruistic people can never see the obvious.

Well done Mr Osborne for moving that cultural boundaries and squish that stereotypes.

Good for you. I am sure Mrs Osborne's family is pretty happy. Well done you. Well done. So much for topping that stereotype too then Mrs Osborne for being a working woman, as well as a housewife, and also keeping your family happy too. I wish you both the best of luck. Well done. :)


Such an Inspirational story. (With a capital I.) Fantastic ! :)

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I find it bizarre that one must convert in order to marry in the first place. Why couldn't they just marry? Mind control, submission to Islam.


The fact he had to do it says far more to me.


In order to satisfy the religion YOU have to conform to IT. :)


I don't think highlighting his marriage does anything positive for the topic.

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I find it bizarre that one must convert in order to marry in the first place. Why couldn't they just marry? Mind control, submission to Islam.


Didn't Camilla change from a Catholic to a Protestant before marrying Charles?


---------- Post added 25-03-2014 at 15:01 ----------


The fact he had to do it says far more to me.


In order to satisfy the religion YOU have to conform to IT. :)


I don't think highlighting his marriage does anything positive for the topic.


Still here Clowning? ;)

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