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Shoplifters Aldi Ecclesfield

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The problem with shoplifters is they do not see what they are doing is harmful to anyone. They just think that its all covered by the shops insurance. They think its just a victimless crime. They might get arrested one day but as soon as they are out they need their next "fix" and so the sorry saga continues.

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QUOTE -the drug users that steal to sell are just as ignorant as the people who condemn them


Ignorance - Lack of knowledge or information


I do not lack knowledge of thieving drug addicts

Thieving drug addicts do not lack knowledge


They are very clever, cunning and full of guile


They know the best shops to steal from

They know the best times to steal

They know the best pubs to sell their stolen goods


When you work in a shop, enjoy your work and love meeting your customers you cannot stand by and see some scumbag walking out with his coat extended with packets of bacon and packs of cheese or another with a bag bulging with coffee chicken and meat, so you go up and demand the goods back.

Sometimes you are lucky and get the goods back sometimes you get a black eye, kicked, or thumped most rely on brute strength but some bring a hammer or knife or as in the case of one young woman she had a dirty syringe stuck in her arm and told '' here have a dose of AIDS'' -suffering months of worry having tests and waiting for the all clear.

They are onto a good thing Don't have to work, council flat, benefits nip to the local shops top up the cash ready for the little blue van coming round with the days supply.

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lacking knowledge or awareness in general; uneducated or unsophisticated.

"he was told constantly that he was ignorant and stupid"

synonyms: uneducated, unknowledgeable, untaught, unschooled, untutored, untrained, illiterate, unlettered, unlearned, unread, uninformed, unenlightened, unscholarly, unqualified,

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Have you no sense of humour, stealing a calendar 12 MONTHS = A JOKE


You think prison sentences are something to be joked about? Then these crimes are a joke as well and are nothing serious at all.

Uk is rather insane with certain legal issues, maybe not as bad as some middle eastern places but very bad for a place that calls itself a so called developed country.

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To return to the original posting. I spoke to a member of staff at Ecclesfield Aldi yesterday. He said Aldi do not employ security guards, and he believed that is the reason the store attracts shoplifters.


Aldi do have securty guards.

Edited by 999tigger
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