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Toby Foster Sacked? Returning 27/1!

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I often imagine some esteemed academic or writer/philosopher driving up the M1 from some grand insitution 'down south', the L.S.E or Cambridge University, possibly visiting some similar institution or embarking on a walking holiday in Northumbria. He accidently tunes into Radio Sheffield as he's passing Tinsley, to hear Paulette Edwards or 'Howie' Pressman inviting people to phone in with suggestions on 'the things you should, or should not do in a .......supermarket!' (last week). He'd either be laughing or crying hysterically before junction 36!


missed that one beefface - what were we treated to?


old lady - 'well love I like buying things in a supermarket cos I'm an old lady'


paulette - ' that's very interesting - my other half K2 is Norwegian, so he's not used to supermarkets'


old lady -' I buy tea and milk, but only when I've nearly got none left'


paulette -'that's very wise, no point in buying things when you've lots left is there'


old lady 'sometimes there is cos I like to panic buy when no one else is panic buying just in case'


paulette 'mick in mosboro got the mystery word wrong, it isn't 'fallopian' mick'


I think a philosopher from kent would be fascinated - an ethnologist might even write a paper on it.

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TobyFoster ‏@TobyFoster 9 Dec I pressed the wrong button and retweeted Rich's rude tweet. Now I can't undo it. I'll be in The Daily Mail.Expand Collapse Reply Retweet Retweeted


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Toby's tweet from Dec 9.

Stupid thing to do but he has given a full apology.

But the fact that most of his listeners want him back won't make any difference to internal BBC politics.

I'd liked the postman back that we had last year, he was really chatty and always on time with the mail.

I don't care that he was caught stealing out of the letters and sacked, all that royal mail politics and policies about stealing is irrelevant, I just want my old postie :(

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Why do folk on here think the 'majority' want TF back?? - his hectoring, interruptive interview style really grates and got in the way of the early morning traffic news which is what Radio Sheff is most really there for :)


that was his style

provoking people and winding them up to bite to get ratings up on the show

he is a clever and witty guy

more than 70% in poll would have him back on RS

but to be honest he was to good for them so RS loss and good luck to him

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that was his style

provoking people and winding them up to bite to get ratings up on the show

he is a clever and witty guy

more than 70% in poll would have him back on RS

but to be honest he was to good for them so RS loss and good luck to him


I agree on all points, I wasn't 100% sure straight after he'd suddenly gone off air but now I know I'd have him back in a flash, sometimes you don't realise what you've got until it's gone he is/was so much better than anyone else they have there in my view.

Where's the poll?.

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think it was in the star i read last week

but one on here sf


View Poll Results: Should Toby Foster be on our radio ?

Yes 162 56.45%

No 70 24.39%

Who cares 55 19.16%

Voters: 287. This poll is closed


The thing about this whole thread is we can discount posts from people who aren't listeners to the morning show.

Similarly people who only tune in for traffic and sport.

And the poll.

How many of the "who cares" pollsters were listeners?

Considering that at any one time there are only ever about 300 SF members on line as opposed to around 800 "guests" I'd say there's a pretty overwhelming majority of his listeners would like him back on the morning show.

But I don't think he will be.

According to his own tweet his boss said "it's you or me".

And it wasn't the boss.

But we're all dead curious to know what the original disagreement was about.

The boss doesn't usually take you to a pub for a pint and then sack you if you're already at loggerheads.

But we won't find out from Radio Sheffield.

The three people on now were all part of his morning show and all engaged in banter and back chat and discussing family affairs and being dead friendly with each other.

Now he's become a non person and his name is never mentioned.

Is this BBC orders?

I'd like to hear some of the off air talk.

If it's BBC orders it says a lot about the BBC.

If it's about his former colleagues it says a lot about them.

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