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The last chance to say ta ra to Sheffields most historical area.


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I should add that whatever my feelings about losing history from the old part of town, I do still hope that the new market and moor are a big success.


I've got to admit I'm being really middle-class here but I'd really like to see some kind of italian deli type store, something like the little one at Nonnas on ecclesall rd.

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I've never been a market person but understand that a lot of Sheffielders have a soft spot for the old place, as far as good markets go the icing on the cake has to go to Bury Market, even I enjoy the occasional ramble round that one, sadly I don't think Sheffields new market will measure up.

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Are there many of the traders left in the Castle Market now, or have most already packed up, or moved onto the new site? Just considering a final visit to the fish market, if they've not all gone already :)


As much as the place itself is in a poor state, for a lot of us on here there will be a lot of memories tied to the Castle Market, and for that reason it is sad to see it finally go - just as it was when the Sheaf Market was replaced.


I do hope that they let the history guys get in there and have a dig around, see what they can find - but unless they were able to unveil something significant, they need to do something positive with the site, and not just leave it as rubble... and try and regenerate that area rather than just the Moor.


Thinking about the demise of the Castle Market, the growth of supermarkets over the last 30 years, and the ability to buy pretty much anything you want from most supermarkets just meant there wasn't a reason to make a special trip into town to the markets... then of course the internet boom made it cheaper and easier to by things you might well have gone there for. It'll be interesting to see how well the new market does after the initial novelty element this year - and whether people are prepared to pay a bit extra to shop there...time will tell. There are (or certainly were) plenty of shabby shops on The Moor.



---------- Post added 17-11-2013 at 23:06 ----------


If you are so concerned about the markets being relocated and the old castle site and surroundings no longer being the home of the market, where do you suppose the new market was to be built when they demolished the Castle carbuncle?


On the current Castle Market site, I'd assume?

Edited by sheff71
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I'm sorry to see the culmination of many years of neglect, and we're not just talking about the building itself, but the whole area. That's the long term regret, that what has for centuries been one of the main centres of Sheffield life for a lot of people is now going to be ripped up (again, not just the market but the surrounding streets too).


People say, 'well now there's a chance to breathe new, different life in to the area' but the castle remains will not sustain any kind of significant local or tourist attraction and as for becoming an area of offices etc, I can see a lot of speculative construction, but not much occupancy with this economic climate and with this council.


So if a real new use was likely and just around the corner, I would, even with regrets of losing that retail ethos that the area has had for so long, say onwards and upwards, with bells on! But we can't say much about the future of Castlegate and that's an issue.



Whilst we're on the subject, I think the new market building is hideous. Plain, cheap and unispiring. The only decent bit is the winter-gardens-esque entrance and they've ruined the inside of that by running the heating pipes right across the interior (see recent shots on facebook). Some of the original renders of the building were much better.


---------- Post added 17-11-2013 at 22:36 ----------


Also, I harp on about Sheffield's history, but I'm actually from Norwich myself. Now here is a market with history, and Castle with more than a couple 8ft walls;



I have studied the new Market frontage my self Andrew and the bronze effect cladding and semi archway look awful maybe this will weather over the next fifty years [by which time we may have paid for it] but doubt it.

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I know them sars are a bleedin newsance.


---------- Post added 17-11-2013 at 23:19 ----------


Are there many of the traders left in the Castle Market now, or have most already packed up, or moved onto the new site? Just considering a final visit to the fish market, if they've not all gone already :)


As much as the place itself is in a poor state, for a lot of us on here there will be a lot of memories tied to the Castle Market, and for that reason it is sad to see it finally go - just as it was when the Sheaf Market was replaced.


I do hope that they let the history guys get in there and have a dig around, see what they can find - but unless they were able to unveil something significant, they need to do something positive with the site, and not just leave it as rubble... and try and regenerate that area rather than just the Moor.


Thinking about the demise of the Castle Market, the growth of supermarkets over the last 30 years, and the ability to buy pretty much anything you want from most supermarkets just meant there wasn't a reason to make a special trip into town to the markets... then of course the internet boom made it cheaper and easier to by things you might well have gone there for. It'll be interesting to see how well the new market does after the initial novelty element this year - and whether people are prepared to pay a bit extra to shop there...time will tell. There are (or certainly were) plenty of shabby shops on The Moor.



---------- Post added 17-11-2013 at 23:06 ----------



Yes they are mostly still there, I will make my final Monday visit tomorrow fish and peas from the Market chippy [sadly not relocating to the Moor] followed by coffee and a fancy at the Castle Bakery[sadly not relocating to the Moor].

Then on Saturday the last visit ever before Ivanhoe and Friar Tuck move in.

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On the current Castle Market site, I'd assume?


You mean the one they want to demolish and expose the historical walls underneath to try and create a tourist attraction? Even if this wasn't the plan, building on the same site would take the market out of action for at least a year, probably two. A semi temporary site would have to have been created which would have cost more money on an already expensive project.


I don't get the romantic view anyone has of Castle Market; it and the area it is in is an eyesore frankly. As someone who grew up in Portsmouth, the nostalgic reasons for keeping Castle going has similarities to the reasons people used to give to try and save the Tricorn centre from demolition.

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I remember the old Rag and Tag, going there with my nan, cos I had a couple of aunties who had a stall selling toys and greeting cards. Also the old tram shed where they sold animals from pigeons to puppies.

Later my dad ran a coupe of sweet stalls in the Castle Market - when it was still in its heyday.

Sadly most of the meeting over the last few years has been between drug dealers and junkies, on the stairs and walkways around the market.

The meat and fish areas have been badly neglected and become smelly and dirty. Hopefully the move will herald a new era for the traders and the people of Sheffield.

As for the proposed excavation - it will be great if it's done properly, but if its just some half cocked attempt then Sheffield will just be left with another wasteland in the city. I hope I'm wrong, but on the recent performance of our council I don't think I will be.

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