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Why are Sheffielder's now so resentful towards 'foreigners'?

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Sorry I didn't mean to have a patronising tone, I keep forgetting you're only a babby ;)


Sorry, it's that tone again...I lived through the 70's and terrorism associated with Irish republicanism was a constant threat you had to be conscious of, I'm not saying we should be casual about the Islamic one but many, many people died during the 70's & 80's on the UK mainland who weren't associated with politics.


Don't worry, you're not patronising me :D


I still think that even though there was a danger, I'm not so young as to have never experienced it. The IRA didn't generally target civilians in the way Islamic terrorists do not only in the UK but world wide. There may well have been civilian casualties, but when was the last time an Islamic attack come with a warning so that the police could evacuate the area?

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Sheffielders' display xenophobic tendencies towards anyone who does not come from their town regardless of race or colour! It even extends to which area of the city you live in. This is illustrated with their intolerance of anyone north of Barnsley, east of Worksop, west of Penistone and south of Dronfield.

Their only claim to fame emanating from this dismal place is Henderson's Relish and what they purport to be a 'proper' Fish Cake!

Friendly people … you must be joking … their apparent friendliness is a thinly disguised form of being nosey.

If you are a Sheffielder you probably won't agree with this, but if from elsewhere in the UK I think you may agree


So you have met all 550,000 of us then?

Maybe if you didn't insult people so much,people might be a little friendlier towards you...just a though.

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What a shame Bonfire Night's just passed, there were two more heretics for the pyre ;)

A 'heretic' is 'anyone who does not conform to an established attitude, doctrine or principle' or usually does not fall in line with the Catholic Church?

I'm confused here, so what you are saying the the general 'established attitude, doctrine or principle' is one of hatred of anyone not from Sheffield, is quite normal and established in this city amongst its residents. Anyone who does not agree with this should be burnt on a bonfire?

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My brother happened to be in Manchester when that bomb went off, he was 12 and clearly a government official.


PS. before this gets misinterpreted, he wasn't injured/killed.


9:43 am, Granada Studios on Quay Street received a telephone call claiming that there was a bomb at the corner of Corporation Street and Cannon Street and that it would explode in one hour. The caller had an Irish accent and gave a codeword so that police would know the threat was genuine.


The bomb exploded at 11:17 am.


compared to:


At 8:50 am Islamic terrorists detonate three bombs on board London Underground trains within fifty seconds of each other. Then an hour later another bomb is detonated on board a London Bus designed to hit the crowds of people trying to escape from the Underground.


If you think these are both the same, I feel you are looking too much at the effects and not the motivation and target of the two attacks.

Edited by WeX
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I don't think there is ever an excuse for being deliberately disrespectful to somebody because of their race/nationality/religion.
With respect, I think that's a little too "cleanroom" an opinion, tbh.


As in, abstracting any personal hardship which the person being disrespectful may suffer, or have sufferred, at the hands of somebody of that race/nationality/religion.


E.g., with a little thought to Lackluster's earlier post, ask anyone (still alive) who was displaced or force-conscripted by the Germans during WWII. I'll give you 10-to-1 most will still hold very strong (anti-) views about Germans (not specifically Nazis). But their kids, grand-kids and grand-grand-kids will have moved on. Probably same with Jewish people, and others similarly persecuted at the time.


I agree that anyone harbouring such views/being disrespectful 'by proxy' (i.e. not having experienced such hardships themselves) is not on. But I will also understand perfectly well how someone personally aggrieved will hold such views (and understanding does not mean condoning, btw).

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Sssshhhhh, you can't say that, it's racist...it's not PC, let them hate us, it's to be accepted if we want to display a multi-cultural society to the rest of the world.


It's xenophobic and mouth frothingly wrong. Not racist per se though.


---------- Post added 07-11-2013 at 13:37 ----------


I think its cos a lot of british people are struggling to get a job cos of all the foreigners are taking all the jobs. thats what i hear when talking to friends and family. There is not enough work for british people as it is then when foreighners come over and get a job straight away it doesnt exactly make us british people happy. plus a lot of foreigners get things for free, they are given houses and free money when they aint contributed a penny into this country, and a lot dont even work for that!


It's enough to make someone despair.

I'm not talking about the foreigners getting free houses though, I'm talking about people who believe this tripe.


---------- Post added 07-11-2013 at 13:41 ----------


You raise several complex issues Lackluster..you mention integration and point out the Muslims are poor at it, yet the Chinese aren't targeted but they don't integrate well at all.



The evidence I've seen shows the opposite, the 2nd generation or later Chinese immigrants that I know (and it's a reasonable number) are all, well, 'normal' British people (within some average definition of normality). If you hid their skin and face and talked to them, you'd have no way to identify that they were not 10th generation white British.

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The evidence I've seen shows the opposite, the 2nd generation or later Chinese immigrants that I know (and it's a reasonable number) are all, well, 'normal' British people (within some average definition of normality). If you hid their skin and face and talked to them, you'd have no way to identify that they were not 10th generation white British.


I'm sure that's the case, I was really playing succour to the poster's position which is a default belief that Muslims don't integrate and suggesting it was a reason for them being 'targeted'.


My point was if that's the reason then the Chinese would be targeted too as from my experience they dont integrate any more (or less) than any other immigrant community.

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I genuinely hope you get in a situation where you HAVE to move to a different country/culture so that you and your family can survive to the standard you are accustomed to.


pip pip!....


---------- Post added 07-11-2013 at 13:53 ----------


Sheffielders' display xenophobic tendencies towards anyone who does not come from their town regardless of race or colour! It even extends to which area of the city you live in. This is illustrated with their intolerance of anyone north of Barnsley, east of Worksop, west of Penistone and south of Dronfield.

Their only claim to fame emanating from this dismal place is Henderson's Relish and what they purport to be a 'proper' Fish Cake!

Friendly people … you must be joking … their apparent friendliness is a thinly disguised form of being nosey.

If you are a Sheffielder you probably won't agree with this, but if from elsewhere in the UK I think you may agree

Anyone from outside Sheffield is scum and so their opinion is worthless anyway




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