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Anyone noticed lots of flies?

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Just had exactly the same problem. My bin was crawling with maggots yesterday and this morning. Problem's gone for the time being as the bin was emptied around midday and I've blitzed it inside and out with bleach and a pressure washer.


I have a suspicion that the problem originated when my OH bagged up and binned the scattered remains of a dead hedgehog she found outside our front door. We subsequently emptied the bin contents into a bin liner and took it down the recycling centre although I don't expect the hedgehog to come back as a squirrel or anything :hihi:


The only thing I didn't then do was clean the bin so I'm guessing that eggs had spilled into the bin itself? If they appear again in the next two weeks then I'm blaming it on the change to fortnightly collections, getting some Jeyes fluid and posthumously pardoning the hedgehog :P

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I know its summer and quite warm, but there seems to be a lot more than normal.


I thought that we had very few flies, bees and butterflies, a few months ago. But we have got back to a more normal fly and butterfly population; but I think that the bees are still struggleing.

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I thought that we had very few flies, bees and butterflies, a few months ago. But we have got back to a more normal fly and butterfly population; but I think that the bees are still struggleing.


I seem to have some kind of underground beehive at the bottom of my garden, they are all swarming round a hole they have dug out in the soil!

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You sure?............................


I have to check carefully as my daughter has a wasp allergy, so yes, definitely bees!


We had a wasp nest last year in the outside toilet as well, sick of these flippin flying insects, they make me grumpy :mad: None of those bites like I had last year though (see here http://www.sheffieldforum.co.uk/showthread.php?t=1042796), thank God!

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