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Toilet seat up or down when flushing

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I have to say one of our bowel surgeons is a great believer in those drinks & no not beer ;) , but the ones like Danone . He says they increase the good gut bacteria . This is probably why patients like yourself are put on the Probiotic Capsules when they are taking hard core antibiotic treatment

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I have to say one of our bowel surgeons is a great believer in those drinks & no not beer ;) , but the ones like Danone . He says they increase the good gut bacteria . This is probably why patients like yourself are put on the Probiotic Capsules when they are taking hard core antibiotic treatment



I do live in Bavaria. :hihi:


I suspect Erdinger tastes a whole lot better than a probiotic capsule. :hihi:

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I have to say one of our bowel surgeons is a great believer in those drinks & no not beer ;) , but the ones like Danone . He says they increase the good gut bacteria . This is probably why patients like yourself are put on the Probiotic Capsules when they are taking hard core antibiotic treatment


Having just finished a really big course of antibiotics for cellulitis (and of course, where is it going to arrive but under my compression garments, where I can't see it?) I'm currently taking probiotic capsules and eating fresh live yoghurt at the moment to try to give myself some decent natural flora back again.


I'd love to say that I'm hale and hearty like bullerboY, but sadly once you've got to the point of having cancer, having multiple operations for that and then needing more operations to sort out the problems which resulted from infections after the first set of operation, then compounded that with chemotherapy and radiotherapy when the tumour won't take no for an answer, your body isn't really capable of defending itself to the extent that it may have been able to do beforehand.

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Medusa you have just made me break one of my rules ,and that is put the toilet seat down while flushing , but I ran back down to answer you .

Your case just brings to mind my point that we have to take massive care where cross infection is concerned . Cellulitis is one of our biggest pry oblems & our infection control department wants these patients in a side ward . It is not possible at all times because we just don't have the side wards to put people like you in . It is ignorant people like Bullaboy that makes me angry . It is like Oh it wont happen to me syndrome , but and I hope it doesn't ,he may be sat there feeling sorry for himself in a hospital bed thinking , oh I wish my relatives had taken more care

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I'm nearly half-way through a massive course of antibiotics (in a hospital) and I can assure you that the last thing I need is 'a few germs to keep my immune system strong.'




Surely that is what a course of antibiotics is... a few germs. In the widest sense, of course.


I was talking to one of the staff here a few days ago about re-building my gut flora (I'm on 6 massive doses of 3 antibiotics twice a day; the aim being to destroy all traces of all bacteria in my body.)


I was told: "Oh, eat lots of yoghurt" (And they do give me at least 2 (sometimes 3) pots a day.)


Then I was asked: "Why aren't you drinking beer? - You should drink at least a glass of beer a day. It makes sure your kidneys are working and the yeast will build a good base of flora."


Beer is prescribed for all sorts of things here. :hihi:


That sounds like my kind of hospital.


Hope you are on the mend Rupe.:)

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My toilet seat must have been designed or installed by a female plumber. It won't stay up! The angle is too acute. So as a bloke, you have to do the silly side step thing and hold it up with your knee to have a pee. I suppose I could always sit down on it to do the deed.

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