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Cancer of the pancreas

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without knowing more about this, it is very hard to say much. When a friend asked me about this condition for a friend of theirs they called me back to say they'd found a newspaper article about it and the prospects didnt sound very encouraging. However there are at least enough instances of the medical profession being wrong as being right. So the long and short of it is I am very sorry to learn of this and my best wishes go with them.

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Does anyone know anything about it?


Anyone know of someone who has/had it?


Thank you in advance.


This is a UK based site that looks useful.




With all of these things, and having researched similar illnesses on my own behalf in the past, I'd say don't panic, get the facts, and remember that stress and worry are big no-nos with this sort of illness.


To whoever it concerns, good luck.



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my hubby as got secondry liver cancer that they think as spread from the pancreas. they did not do more test as they say they are fairly sure thats were the cancer spread from. he was diagnosed last october. chemo did not help. if you want to pm me feel free to do so

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