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Help for Heroes announce they will not accept donations from EDL

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You're not into tea dances then Hillpig?

..and thankfully it will take a significantly greater number than a few hundred extremists with psychopathic tendencies to start a war..otherwise Combat18 would have taken us there years ago.


Don't you just hate apocalypse prophecies?


Last weekend a mosque in York had an open day where several more open minded EDL members went to demonstrate and ended up having a cup of tea and biccies...with the subjects of their indignation, you see fear is usually harvested from the unknown, but most Muslims Ive ever encountered are just like the rest of us...I ain't ever seen an extremist one other than on the telly.


---------- Post added 30-05-2013 at 12:34 ----------



..and you know this how?


It is complacency such as yours that got us into a war with Hitler. If extremists, of all kinds, remain unchallenged then when things go wrong in a society, as there are serious signs at the moment, the extremist moves in.


The EDL may well have tea and biscuits in the Mosque, Hitler had his wisdom teeth removed by a Jewish dentist, it did not stop him massacring 6 million of them.

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Oh, so it's got nothing to do with countering Islamic extremism then?


If people are joining the EDL because they don't like a bit of challenging language on a public forum maybe their Mummies shouldn't have kept them in nappies as long as they did.


What I was trying to say... was that if the islamists had been stoped from protesting at the funerals of dead soldiers then you'd have never heard of the EDL... They wouldn't have been formed in the first place. Okay it would have meant denying a few nutty ingrates freedom of speech, but would have saved a lot of grief for ordinary Muslims, the police, the tax payer etc etc


One of the best siganatures on here, and best quotes I've read for a long time says this.... "if you don't respect your own army, you'll end up respecting someone elses".... brilliant.

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It is complacency such as yours that got us into a war with Hitler.
..and it's intransigence such as yours that prevents people learning from each other and finding ways to get along.


If extremists, of all kinds, remain unchallenged then when things go wrong in a society, as there are serious signs at the moment, the extremist moves in.

Have I said anywhere that extremists shouldn't be challenged? In fact I've said quite the opposite.

The EDL may well have tea and biscuits in the Mosque, Hitler had his wisdom teeth removed by a Jewish dentist, it did not stop him massacring 6 million of them.


So what do you suggest, no more polite mosque tea parties and more shouting and spleen venting on British streets?


---------- Post added 30-05-2013 at 14:17 ----------


What I was trying to say... was that if the islamists had been stoped from protesting at the funerals of dead soldiers then you'd have never heard of the EDL... They wouldn't have been formed in the first place. Okay it would have meant denying a few nutty ingrates freedom of speech, but would have saved a lot of grief for ordinary Muslims, the police, the tax payer etc etc


One of the best siganatures on here, and best quotes I've read for a long time says this.... "if you don't respect your own army, you'll end up respecting someone elses".... brilliant.


The EDL are made up of young men full of too much (beer) and testosterone, if they didn't have Muslims to pick on they'd still be trashing continental wine bars.

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..and it's intransigence such as yours that prevents people learning from each other and finding ways to get along.


Have I said anywhere that extremists shouldn't be challenged? In fact I've said quite the opposite.



So what do you suggest, no more polite mosque tea parties and more shouting and spleen venting on British streets?


---------- Post added 30-05-2013 at 14:17 ----------


The EDL are made up of young men full of too much (beer) and testosterone, if they didn't have Muslims to pick on they'd still be trashing continental wine bars.


I don't think that's a good response and ignores / denies the basic facts...And is pretty typical of why we are experiencing the problems we have

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What I was trying to say... was that if the islamists had been stoped from protesting at the funerals of dead soldiers then you'd have never heard of the EDL... They wouldn't have been formed in the first place. Okay it would have meant denying a few nutty ingrates freedom of speech, but would have saved a lot of grief for ordinary Muslims, the police, the tax payer etc etc


One of the best siganatures on here, and best quotes I've read for a long time says this.... "if you don't respect your own army, you'll end up respecting someone elses".... brilliant.


Hmmm I wonder Martha. Whilst that is said to be the catalyst for the EDL, I suspect that many of its members don't need much persuading.

Prior to EDL there have been a number of right wing political parties / pressure groups which are either explicitly or implicitly racist.


Yes people do have concerns and these need to be addressed calmly and logically by our community leaders. But simply responding to bouts of EDL violence and Islamic extremists simply gives them more power than they warrant.

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I don't think that's a good response and ignores / denies the basic facts...And is pretty typical of why we are experiencing the problems we have


What basic facts are those?


What differentiates EDL members and the behaviour of other right wing groups?


How have the EDL tried to reach out to moderate members of the Muslim community?

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It is complacency such as yours that got us into a war with Hitler. If extremists, of all kinds, remain unchallenged then when things go wrong in a society

That's not quite a fair comparison. When the Muslims invade Poland you may have a point.


Even if you were to make a comparison with Hitler, Britain hasn't been complacent. We've been involved in the Middle East and Indian sub-continent for 200 years.


Not even a slight resemblence.

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That's not quite a fair comparison. When the Muslims invade Poland you may have a point.


Even if you were to make a comparison with Hitler, Britain hasn't been complacent. We've been involved in the Middle East and Indian sub-continent for 200 years.


Not even a slight resemblence.


Fifty years ago the Muslim population of this country was under 500,000. It is now approaching 3million and the birth rate is faster than any other ethnic group.


For 40years the Muslim people went about their business with little interaction with the rest of British society, they in fact created their own ghettoes. For the last ten years we have seen an explosion of assertiveness regarding their way of life, their beliefs and the desire of a minority (a growing one) to impose sharia law and restore the Caliphate. This is due to the tenor and content of the preaching within the mosque.


If we sit back and allow this to happen unchallenged in the next 50 years the Muslims will totally dominate this country.


The complacency of others posting on this site is exactly what is required for a successful take over. I do not advocate violence, I respect any mans right to practice his religion as he sees fit.


But before jumping all over this and repeating the racist rant, read Nasser, Kemal Attaturk see what they, as Muslims thought of the extremists and why in Egypt and Turkey they imposed secularism.

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was that if the islamists had been stoped from protesting at the funerals of dead soldiers then you'd have never heard of the EDL...


Like it or not they have every right to protest.


Taking away that right would be handing people like the NF, BNP and EDL what they want without one drunken, violent demo needing to be called.


And you need to study your history of the far-right in the UK. The EDL was formed out of the BNP as a response to the BNP's decision to move away from street protests and concentrate on elections. Tommy Robinson, Kevin Carroll, Helen Gower and virtually every leading figure in the EDL are ex-BNP. In the Demos survey of the EDL the majority of supporters said that if they voted at all, it would be for the BNP.


The EDL is very much a child of the far-right and has very little if anything, to do with protests at funerals.

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