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Strange underwater goings-on in Hillsborough?

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Could this story be a ruse to divert people from the truth which is,that it is the tinned sardines are laying in wait on the bottom of the Don to ambush the morrisons (chocolate) penguins and totally dominate all subterainian life south of Loxley ??:headbang:

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Let's get things straight here ...


I am NOT, nor ever have been a Freemason ...

Which ends the debate about wether or not I'm the guy in Penistone's picture. Full stop! Although ... er, never mind ...


A few FACTS about Hillsborough Tree Penguins here, particularly for the likes of DUFFEMS ...


Tree penguins build nests out of wood, not stones. I mean, come on ... when did you last see a limestone constructed nest? ... 'never' at a rough guess. Penguins are carpenters, not stonemasons.


Due to their unconventional eating habits, penguins excrete cement ... this is highly corrosive due to the lime content and has to be transported via lorries to designated bagging centres for safe disposal.


So, come on. How on earth can you imagine that HTP's have any affiliation to the secretive goings on of the Masons?


---------- Post added 16-04-2013 at 22:40 ----------


Could this story be a ruse to divert people from the truth which is,that it is the tinned sardines are laying in wait on the bottom of the Don to ambush the morrisons (chocolate) penguins and totally dominate all subterainian life south of Loxley ??:headbang:


I severely doubt that even a highly trained sardine could hold it's breath for more than a few minutes in a sealed can full of vegetable oil. Your suggestion is preposterous.

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Let's get things straight here ...


I am NOT, nor ever have been a Freemason ...

Which ends the debate about wether or not I'm the guy in Penistone's picture. Full stop! Although ... er, never mind ...


A few FACTS about Hillsborough Tree Penguins here, particularly for the likes of DUFFEMS ...


Tree penguins build nests out of wood, not stones. I mean, come on ... when did you last see a limestone constructed nest? ... 'never' at a rough guess. Penguins are carpenters, not stonemasons.


Due to their unconventional eating habits, penguins excrete cement ... this is highly corrosive due to the lime content and has to be transported via lorries to designated bagging centres for safe disposal.


So, come on. How on earth can you imagine that HTP's have any affiliation to the secretive goings on of the Masons?


You mean appart from the flippery handshake?

Edited by mort
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I reckon that you're on a recruitment drive (commissioned by Morrisons) to reclaim their trolleys from the Don, it's all a publicity stunt engineered by their Emperor who has a penchant for all things fishy.

Come clean Alcoblog, penguins excreting cement is a likely story, p.p.p.p.p.pick on someone off their trolley.

Edited by DUFFEMS
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Couldn't help noticing a lot of activity the other day on/in the river Don at Hillsborough whilst waiting for the 52.

Nosiness won over the normal apathy in me and I went to investigate …


What I initially mistook for a team of Royal Navy Scuba-midgets turned out (on close inspection) to be none other than our dear friends ... the Hillsborough Tree Penguins!

Some of them had left their natural habitat (trees) and taken to the turbulent eddies and whirlpools of the Don, just in front of the weir.


Here's a photo I took by half submerging my mobile phone into the murkey waters.


It turns out they were diving to find the ancient wreck of the 'Morrisons Shopping Trolley' which floundered last week in a sub-tropical rainstorm, having been blown into the river in force 10 conditions, carrying its valuable cargo of tinned sardines. The trolley's recovered manifest (till receipt) suggested that as many as fifteen tins of sardines were on board the stricken trolley as it was wheeled along to a newly opened sandwich shop on T'Cross.


Of course, sardines (apart from crisps, beer and licorice all sorts) are the staple diet of the arboreal penguins, ever since they eschewed Antarctica for the back streets of Hillsborough in the late 60's in search of fame and fortune (and trees). No surprise then that the recovery of the shopping trolley and its valuable cargo should be raised to the surface as a matter of paramount importance ... salvage rights apply to rivers as well as oceans!


Unfortunately, I've not been to Hillsborough for a few days now … I just wondered if anyone had any up to date info on our little friends?



(note to mods ... please don't put this thread in you know where, as it'll sink as quickly as the doomed shopping trolley) :)


That link made me drop my stella!! Love the wasp with the ! :hihi::D:D

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In that case, how do we know that the story itself is not just a figment of Mr Alco's imagination?


Has anyone contacted The Star to find out if it's true or not? :suspect:


Give it time, if it's on here it'll be in the Star soon...

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Hahahah made me laugh


i dont really think that penguines live in trees ! or is there a place in sheffield that does it ? i saw a butterfly place that had dinosaurs painted on the walls when i was younger. is this place local to wincobank.

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i dont really think that penguines live in trees ! or is there a place in sheffield that does it ? i saw a butterfly place that had dinosaurs painted on the walls when i was younger. is this place local to wincobank.


Obviously Hillsborough Tree Penguins live in trees, or we'd just call them Hillsborough Penguins.

Your ignorance can be forgiven though, it's only the honoured few that actually get a glimpse of these secretive fellas

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