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Ding Dong! The witch is dead song all discussion in here please

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It seems as if it was a minority that hated her-although it doesn't feel like that here (probably because the people that hated her hate anyone that dares to say that she did some good). She was the longest serving prime minister of the 20th century apparently, as she was not a dictator she must actually have been relatively popular.It should have been easy to get that song to number 1 if she was as unpopular as some people seem to think.


That's because Tony Blair decided to quit early and give his place to the Scottish chap. If Blair had carried on until the next election he would have lasted for 13 years.


Longevity doesn't prove anything.

I believe that children are our future. Unless we stop them now.


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That's because Tony Blair decided to quit early and give his place to the Scottish chap. If Blair had carried on until the next election he would have lasted for 13 years.


Longevity doesn't prove anything.


uurr yes it does when its not a dictatorship-she won the popularity contest, as did blair.


Brown lost big time!

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Equally I find it amazing that "someone" could be so blind to ignore the positive effects Maggie had on this country. I was abroad for most of the time she was in power, BUT internationally Britains reputation bloomed.


Before I left the unions and the labour party had ruined us. Thats one of the reasons I left.


So basically when times got bad, you jumped ship and said sod you Britain I'm alright, that my friend speaks volumes to me.

Edited by esme
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The lacklustre non action of a Fence Sitter no?


No, I just don't like the song or the idea.


What did you do today to show your support, or did you just 's'abstenir de prendre position' as you say in the France?

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That's because Tony Blair decided to quit early and give his place to the Scottish chap. If Blair had carried on until the next election he would have lasted for 13 years.


Longevity doesn't prove anything.


But like Thatcher, he didn't want to fight a general election and lose; better to be ousted by your own than by the public.

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No, I just don't like the song or the idea.


What did you do today to show your support, or did you just 's'abstenir de prendre position' as you say in the France?


Bonzo, it was just a protest show that people downloaded the song, I hated her but didn't buy the song or play it. It just seems strange to me that WHaTeVErBruV appears, just as that GoLFinGer person disappears.


They both have the penchant for typing their names in the same fashion, and the vocabulary is almost word identical that they both use.


She's gone now just a tin of dust, yet she's still got the rest of us arguing, not many could do that.

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It just seems strange to me that WHaTeVErBruV appears, just as that GoLFinGer person disappears.


I know. I've been guilty of falling into the trap of arguing with him, whoever he is. Clearly a bit on the loopy side. Fooling no one though.


Oh well, if he want's to have the last word, he can. It's not very often the 'French' can celebrate a victory.

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