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Margaret Thatchers Funeral 17th April 2013

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I suspect lots of people will be at work , that's what most people that would be classed as her "supporters" will tend to do .


Most of the people in St Pauls should be at work! A very small percentage of the mourners were her 'friend', if she had any.


The queen mothers funeral was on a Tuesday, London was full that day.

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Harold Wilson won 4 elections, why didn't we give him a state funeral?


Clemant Attlee changed the nation forever by introducing the NHS. Why didn't we give him a state funeral?


William Gladstone ended slavery. Why didn't we give him a state funeral?


Write to government and ask.

What ever reason they do or dont give changes nothing.

Maggie was a fine PM and deserves the great send off shes getting.

Without her wed still be the sick man of europe, possibly the world.

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Write to government and ask.

What ever reason they do or dont give changes nothing.

Maggie was a fine PM and deserves the great send off shes getting.

Without her wed still be the sick man of europe, possibly the world.


Due to her we are the sick man of europe.

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Write to government and ask.

What ever reason they do or dont give changes nothing.

Maggie was a fine PM and deserves the great send off shes getting.

Without her wed still be the sick man of europe, possibly the world.


Err... We're pretty sick right now in case you hadn't noticed, and with little in the way of manufacturing to fall back on, liable to stay that way... thanks Maggie...

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WOW! There must have been about 50 to 100 people in lining the streets up to Trafalgar Square! Mind blowing turn out!


Just cracking open the first beer! I know it's only 10am, but it's a special day!

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See post 402 - a bit difficult to follow now others are thankfully deleted


The reply is "thanks bonzo" was quoting my reporting post ; implying I am you .


I see what you mean. She's lost it this morning! Bad show, even by her standards!

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