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Time for football to pay the full cost for additional policing

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As above..In these times of austerity is it acceptable for taxpayers to be subsidising the multi million pound football business , by paying for the police manage badly behaved supporters whilst the public are suffering from an increase in crime?

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they do, directly and indirectly.


they pay for policing in the ground and around the stadium.....anything further afield has to be burdened by the tax-payer.


---------- Post added 07-03-2013 at 21:33 ----------


and when they are paying mega bucks to share holders and players why should I subsidise them and get burgled into the bargain?

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they pay for policing in the ground and around the stadium.....anything further afield has to be burdened by the tax-payer.


where would you say there responsibility should end? Shalesmoor? Park Square? Rotherham?


and when they are paying mega bucks to share holders and players why should I subsidise them and get burgled into the bargain?



are the players and club not tax payers too?

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Bankers are tax-payers too and I don't hear many people shouting that that justifies big subsidies as the expense of our policing


---------- Post added 07-03-2013 at 21:45 ----------


where would you say there responsibility should end? Shalesmoor? Park Square? Rotherham?





are the players and club not tax payers too?


I actually think that policing cost outside the ground should only be for the traffic control involved........clubs should pay for the management of any unruly behaviour,

as is the case with....cricket, rugby, tennis, equestrian events, swimming events etc etc etc


football is not a special case

Edited by Parvo
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Bankers are tax-payers too and I don't hear many people shouting that that justifies big subsidies as the expense of our policing


---------- Post added 07-03-2013 at 21:45 ----------



I actually think that policing cost outside the ground should only be for the traffic control involved........clubs should pay for the management of any unruly behaviour,

as is the case with....cricket, rugby, tennis, equestrian events, swimming events etc etc etc


football is not a special case



you`re been a little bit silly, the police bill the club for the costs associated with policing the event.

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Tricky one. The police not the club make the call on the wide area policing, if a cash strapped chief constable can get an officer paid for standing at hillsborough corner but not apprehending a burglar it could cause problems.


hmmmmm maybe we could sue?

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