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Recommendation for Chipping service


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I paid a chap today to come and shred all my offcuts from the allotment I have just cleared. I just thought I would recommend the service because I think its a shame when people have to burn or pay to dispose of green offcuts when this guy is cheap and has provided me with enough chippings to completely cover my allotment. It cost me £50 and there must have been a skip full maybe more. It would cost more in wood chips anyway, never mind the skip I didnt have to buy!


If you need to contact him, here is his number. Good job Alex!


07818 601683

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I paid a chap today to come and shred all my offcuts from the allotment I have just cleared. I just thought I would recommend the service because I think its a shame when people have to burn or pay to dispose of green offcuts when this guy is cheap and has provided me with enough chippings to completely cover my allotment. It cost me £50 and there must have been a skip full maybe more. It would cost more in wood chips anyway, never mind the skip I didnt have to buy!


If you need to contact him, here is his number. Good job!


07818 601683


whats his name please..?

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Why don't you hire or buy your own machine? We have a very large garden with hundreds of meters of native hedging plans and trees. We purchased a heavy duty shredder that will take small tree branches. We use the shreddings on our compost heap or we spread them finely on the soil.


Are you aware that wood will reduce the nitrogen content of the soil while it is rotting down? Don't spread fresh wood chippings thicvkly on an area you are currently cultivating. Its fine to use them when they are well rotted.

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Hiring a chipper was more expensive because most places are minimum 2 day hire, and they are smaller engines. I checked this out before I arranged this service, and I used a small 8hp one a few years back and it took forever. Anyway it only cost me £50 as I explained..why bother when someone is doing such a good job for less than the competition? Plus these machines are dangerous and not everyone knows how to operate them, he did all the work?

Not everyone has money to just go and buy a heavy duty petrol shredder pal, think about what you are suggesting here..if you only need it once a year, its not worth the hassle of spending £400. As I say, im not interested in cheap, time consuming machines. His is an industrial 15hp one.

I am not planting on the area this year, its one of several plots I have.

I dont need any advice about soil content thanks, I have been studying permaculture and horticulture for a long time. The world is not black and white.

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So you have rumbled them too Andy? :hihi:


Given that the forum very nicely allows us to promote our business via our sigs I just don't understand why people go through all this dishonest nonsense to achieve making themselves look like dodgy scam merchants.


Some people are just stupid I guess.

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