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Steel City Cafe

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we have been meaning to call in for ages but just never get the time!(i really like the late night opening idea)..................and the Okeh cafe do a full english, so that usually wins!! :)


**also think its a little unfair to say its located on a "not very nice" part of abbeydale road. Its Abbeydale road, we know what to expect :)

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So what sort of thing WOULD appeal to you cafe-wise? Is it the appearance that puts you off more than anything? They sell coffee and cake for £3 which is really cheap for that area. Would you pay more if the inside and outside were more appealing? Is it more important for it to be chic / trendy / traditional / comfortable / 'edgy'?

If you do already go to cafes on Abbeydale Road, what would draw you into this one instead? (If it were changed from how it is now?)

p.s. I'm looking at this from an objective standpoint (I'm not involved with the business at all) so feel free to be brutally honest.


Interesting that you equate chic/trendy/traditional/comfortable/edgy with an uplift in prices. It doesn't need to follow that some thoughtful decor means its going to be pricey. Why can it not be any of the above and STILL be good value? I guess because you need to invest money in the place to make it any of these? At the moment, it would appear from the comments that it fails to be anything except good value. Seems to be the Sheffield way in many things "yeah we look a bit bland and unappealing BUT we're excellent value". Nobody will know you're good value if they're not coming through the door. You need more 'kerb appeal' (I shudder using that phrase).


I'm not having a go here by the way, I really do wish them well in their business venture.

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the sign would be OKish if it was a steel mill. it certainly is effective in being redolent of steel. but thats not really the feeling i am looking for in a cake. makes it feel like it might be kinda....crunchy.


i think it is about knowing who your clientele are. who are the people in the area that will want to come to your cafe? others on abbeydale rd and in nether edge are comparatively expensive.....and packed. so how big is the market around abbeydale and nether edge for people looking for cheap inexpensive coffee and cake? this cafe isnt a greasy spoon....and by its appearance and sales pitch isnt a more bourgouis, upmarket independent - so is something in that mid range what people in the area want?


when i have seen i have been surprised by the number of customers so it obviously has built up a following but there is still competition in the area. later night opening seems like a good idea if people know about it. but in terms of the decor/design etc. it is hard to say how effective it is without knowing what it is trying to be. but the general impression is unfortunately, someone who doesnt really know what it wants to be, and somewhere that is cheap and cheerful, but doesnt think of itself that way.


ironically, the first info i found on the web about it when the sign first went up was on the graphic designers website who had done the logo.

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It doesn't LOOK like a cake shop.


There are certain themes that are associated with certain shops, certain colour schemes, types of fonts and so on.


Gunmetal on red and square mechanical fonts don't associate themselves as well as say, light yellows, browns, cursive fonts, or fondant colours.


I walked past SCC a few times going to Butterworths over the junction and it certainly wasn't the first or second time that I passed, that I notices what it was. In fact it was only when I consciously looked and thought "wasn't that a ladies' gym not long back, I wonder what it is now", deliberately looking to see what it was, that I took any notice.


I know now that they do all kinds of cakes for all kinds of dietary requirements and by all accounts they are pretty good. I'm not really a cake shop kind of person so I've not been in. But it strikes me that the frontage is lacking.


Perhaps they were going for the "let's look like something 'else'" so people stop and look. But it doesn't work - at least not at first, and I certainly wouldn't know about it if I was not local.

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I'm a great lover of cake shops, and live right near Steel City. We pop in a couple of times a month.


What would make us pop in more often and spend more money?

- A homier atmosphere -- less stark white, a bit of quirk, less terrifying Metallica-inspired goods, comfy chairs, and more colour

- More gentle lighting, no fluorescents

- A bit warmer welcome -- young staff behind the counter are good, but you get the sense they'd rather be somewhere else

- No tinny music

- Keep the lovely and innovative variety of recipes

- Slight alteration in the recipes -- a bit less sweet (not something I say very often as I have a massive sweet tooth) and a bit more flavour; I'd be glad to pay more for this, or to have much smaller sizes

- Most important - better richer stronger coffee


Hmmm. Looking over that list it looks like I must hate the place -- I don't. Everything is just a LITTLE off for me. The main thing I'd change is the coffee and the looks.


But that's just me.


But even if they don't change a thing, they are a welcome addition to the neighbourhood! We just want them to last.

Edited by Dozer
Fix typo
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I quite like this place and I hope they do very well.


The owner has always been very kind everytime I've been there with my children, but the most important thing for me is the quality of the cakes. I have to say that his carrot cake is one of the best I've ever tried, if not the best....



The sign doesn't go very well with the cafe, but once inside who cares! At the same time most of the cars at the traffic light are looking at the cafe so it does work somehow...!

They have a small sink where they wash the cups and things in front of you...

The chairs inside are not very confy, a sofa with low table in a corner will be better...

Decoration is kind of cold

I've just moved abroad




Cakes are very good

Coffee its quite good for Sheffield standards.

Friendly place

Owner told me they were going to make croissants... better than Tesco's!

They are SUFC, ha ha..

And location, I can always leave the wife and children there and go for a pint and the Broadfield....

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been in once wasnt outstanding but not the worst coffee and cake in the world and definately worth £3=))


Other people have been able to describe better than me what I meant, I agree with 'looks cold and uninviting' needs some comfy furnishings etc. I hope they do try and uplift the place as it would be a shame for it to close.


Oh and its only £2.70 for a pot of tea and homemade cake in Jameson's tearoom up the road and lovely cosy surroundings, so just shows that you can have both.

Edited by CeeCee
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