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**Looking for Help - Here to Mongolia (unsupported) in your gran's car

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Theres someone i knew a couple of years back who is a forum member here that has done this trip if my memory is correct, - but i cant remember their username for the life of me.. if i do ill let you know, as they might have some useful tips/advice.

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In the process of setting up a charity event that will see both myself and a frined attempt to drive from here to Mongolia (unsupported) in a 1ltr car. Essentially, driving halfway around the world in your gran's car. If we breakdown, there'll be no support, no help and this is an incredibly dangerous and foolish thing to do. In saying that... absolutely exciting, challenging and life changing. All the money we raise will go to charity


We need a little help however, in a variety of ways... mainly sponsorship but also logistacally! we plan to hit:


UK - Holland - Germany - Poland - Ukraine - Russia - Siberia - Kazakhstan - Mongolia.... not to mention detours that will undoubtedly crop up along the way


We already know we need:

* Website

* Car

* Donation Page

* Fundraising ideas

* Marketing & PR

* Press Release

* Expertise & Guidance if you've done this before

* Sponsorship and Decals

* Car Guidance / Mechanic

* Fitness Help

* Any little bit of help you may be able to provide, regardless of how small


Any little thing that might be able to help would be greatly appreciated and of massive help. If there's anyone interested in getting involved, promoting a company or has some wise tips... please get in touch





Yours James



I've got a compass you can have for free,:thumbsup:


---------- Post added 07-01-2013 at 14:25 ----------


Theres someone i knew a couple of years back who is a forum member here that has done this trip if my memory is correct, - but i cant remember their username for the life of me.. if i do ill let you know, as they might have some useful tips/advice.


marco polo?

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In the process of setting up a charity event that will see both myself and a frined attempt to drive from here to Mongolia (unsupported) in a 1ltr car. Essentially, driving halfway around the world in your gran's car. If we breakdown, there'll be no support, no help and this is an incredibly dangerous and foolish thing to do. In saying that... absolutely exciting, challenging and life changing. All the money we raise will go to charity


We need a little help however, in a variety of ways... mainly sponsorship but also logistacally! we plan to hit:


UK - Holland - Germany - Poland - Ukraine - Russia - Siberia - Kazakhstan - Mongolia.... not to mention detours that will undoubtedly crop up along the way


We already know we need:

* Website

* Car

* Donation Page

* Fundraising ideas

* Marketing & PR

* Press Release

* Expertise & Guidance if you've done this before

* Sponsorship and Decals

* Car Guidance / Mechanic

* Fitness Help

* Any little bit of help you may be able to provide, regardless of how small


Any little thing that might be able to help would be greatly appreciated and of massive help. If there's anyone interested in getting involved, promoting a company or has some wise tips... please get in touch





Yours James


Apart from your time, how much of your own money are you putting in? If all the sponsorship monies recieved go to your unnamed charity then well done...if not its a holiday paid for by other peoples generosity.


Incredibly dangerous??? I think not...aside from Mongolia, I've worked in every country on your route, full of nice tarmac roads, garages and petrol stations, its not the third world. Driven to eastern Hungary, me and another bloke in a transit, no problems, took three days.


To be a bit more positive, check out http://www.crazyguyonabike.com/doc/locales/?locale_id=7160708&doctype=journal


plenty of people who have been through the countries on your list by bicycle, plenty of info re border crossings, routes, roads, digs etc etc....

Edited by Bargepole23
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i think its a brilliant idea and would love to do it. Apparently when you get to a certain point the roads just end and your on dirt tracks only through the wildeness


Thank you - looking forward to the adventure!


---------- Post added 07-01-2013 at 15:39 ----------


A friend of mine completed the challenge 2 years ago. PM me your details if you wish and i'll forward them on for you.

He had the ball of his life - hope you do too. Good luck


Just PM'd You - really appreciated - really greatful for anything... good to see everyone's generosity and willingness to help and very few bitter individuals and skeptics.


Do you know the route he took?



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just total up the entire cost of the [free Holiday] then give that amount to charity and stay at home ... all that money spent on a trip when you could just donate it all.



ps ....


I am also going to raise some money for charity .. gona travel some where nice and warm this comeing summer with the wife and two kids . we will be spending some very hard hot days laying in the sun . if you would like to donate or help us raise the funds pls do so ... we will give any left over euro's to charity once we return

Edited by doom bringer
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