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God Believers. Do you ever question your faith?

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I doubt there are many church attendees willing to comment as their average age is seventy-something and that generation is not renowned for embracing new technologies. Atheists do seem to be in the majority these days.

That comment reveals just how little you know about God belief,since you appear to assume that all theists are church attendees.You also assume most church attendees are around seventy which specific religion are you actually referring to?

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That comment reveals just how little you know about God belief,since you appear to assume that all theists are church attendees.You also assume most church attendees are around seventy which specific religion are you actually referring to?


People have a very blinkered perception about religion,much of it based on episodes of Emmerdale and the like.Perhaps now Rowan Williams has retired the Blackadder series will be relaunched?

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Considering the op asked "god believers" what they think, there seems to be an awful lot of atheists on here.


It's a bit like a thread asking vegetarians about their favourite vegetable and a load of meat eaters suggesting theyd be better off eating meat.


Odd !


Someone brought atheism into the discussion, so it's understandable that atheists would respond to those comments.


Also, a lot of us are interested in social issues and different points of view.

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Possibly, but that wasn't who the op asked opinions from. He asked for god believers, not church (or mosque, temple, synagogue) goers. That's a different question entirely.


We don't get many believers in gods other than Jesus, his Dad and the holy spirit on here. There are the odd posters defending allah.


That comment reveals just how little you know about God belief,since you appear to assume that all theists are church attendees.You also assume most church attendees are around seventy which specific religion are you actually referring to?


Janie, despite the best and often misguided intentions of men in frocks (with pointy hats), christianity is dying. Islam is on the increase but they have a better system of indoctrination and retention. I feel hanging on to one's faith is going to become increasingly difficult as society continues to progress away from superstition and folklore.

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That comment reveals just how little you know about God belief,since you appear to assume that all theists are church attendees.


Didn't he say many and not all?


You also assume most church attendees are around seventy which specific religion are you actually referring to?


From the studies that I've read in the past, the pews are mostly occupied by the elderly.

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Janie, despite the best and often misguided intentions of men in frocks (with pointy hats), christianity is dying. Islam is on the increase but they have a better system of indoctrination and retention. I feel hanging on to one's faith is going to become increasingly difficult as society continues to progress away from superstition and folklore.

Don't kid yourself,the church is thriving in many places,it depends where you live.As for the "superstition" folklore" theory no doubt you've been brainwashed with Marxist ideology,and atheist propaganda and have a closed mind.


Didn't he say many and not all?




From the studies that I've read in the past, the pews are mostly occupied by the elderly.

I can tell you from experience that in the village where i live there is a mixed age group who attend the CofE services,i've attended the church myself on occasions.

I attended Midnight mass at the Catholic church on Christmas Eve a short drive from here, the church was packed with all ages,it was a lovely service.

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Don't kid yourself,the church is thriving in many places,it depends where you live.


I've no doubt that in some places the church is thriving. Overall though, regular church attendance is in decline.


As for the "superstition" folklore" theory no doubt you've been brainwashed with Marxist ideology,and atheist propaganda and have a closed mind.


Please explain further Janie. I'd be interested to know what that atheist propaganda is?


I can tell you from experience that in the village where i live there is a mixed age group who attend the CofE services,i've attended the church myself on occasions.


I'm sure there is a mixed age group but, as a general rule, the elderly - whether they are dragged out of old peeps homes or not - tend to fill the pews.


I attended Midnight mass at the Catholic church on Christmas Eve a short drive from here, the church was packed with all ages,it was a lovely service.


Considering the time of year, that's to be expected.

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Ryedo40 thanks for the support. I think Janie is hankering after what used to be. All the statistics sugest that christianity is a religion in decline. Of course God could do something about that but I doubt he will. Apart from one best-seller, he seems to have done little else.

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I contend that we are all atheists. I simply believe in one fewer God than many other people. When they understand why I dismiss all the other possible Gods, they will understand why I dismiss theirs.



I have reached the conclusion that the world is an enigma. It is a harmless enigma made terrible only by our own mad attempts to interpret it as though it has some underlying truth.




It appears you misunderstand the definition(s) of atheism

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The non-believer has no views on religion, or does he ??

They often sound unsure to me, more like agnostics. The ones who constantly question the existence of a God and claim not to believe amaze me.

I believe, I have faith, its not Catholic based, nor protestant, nor Methodist, but just plain Christianity. It provides me with comfort, it gives me rules to live by and gives me a humanitarian view of life. If it was proved beyond all doubt that there was no God I doubt my attitude to society would change. I would still behave in a Christian manner.

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