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God Believers. Do you ever question your faith?

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I am questioning my faith at moment. I just can't get my head round how two tragic deaths of two lovely people from one family in a short space of time. Iv been told told that god only gives you what you can handle but this is a serious heartbreaker I can't get my head round even for a second.

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Your faith is a private issue within yourself. It is not to be questioned by other people.

The atheist who bores everyone everyone with his reasoning is as bad as the religious fundamentalist..

My faith is my affair, its not up for discussion..........



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Your faith is a private issue within yourself. It is not to be questioned by other people.

The atheist who bores everyone everyone with his reasoning is as bad as the religious fundamentalist..

My faith is my affair, its not up for discussion..........


The problem is that most believers are anxious to proselytise and find it hard to restrain their impulses.Then faith can be questioned,and a healthy debate tests weak ideas,and strengthens embryonic thoughts.

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Your faith is a private issue within yourself. It is not to be questioned by other people.

The atheist who bores everyone everyone with his reasoning is as bad as the religious fundamentalist..

My faith is my affair, its not up for discussion..........


Definitely, why people have any response other than ''fair enough'' I don't know, every time it comes up, it's always my response


I'm an atheist - fair enough


I'm religious - fair enough


doesn't make a difference to me

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