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Should Iran be bombed?

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Originally posted by kirky

well if they are making nuclear weapons i say yes..sooner the better,i don't think they would think twice about launching a nuclear attack on the west so i think the place needs flattening.

Nothing ventured nothing gained?


If you haven't tried it don't knock it - n all that.


Why not nuke the lot as an experiment and, if it turns out to be a mistake just call it collateral damage & everything'll be fine.



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Originally posted by Preacher Man

Kirky what are you basing this on?

Do you actually have any proof of this?


Under Saddam there were Christian and Jewish places of worship. Other religions were allowed to worship in peace. In fact the Iraqi Christians were meant to be closely related to Joseph. Under Saddam it was safe to walk the streets and there was electricity, gas, and telephone lines.


Yes just as long as you do not question or challenge the ruling leaders. Otherwise Saddam’s secret police would come and take you away "for questioning" in the middle of the night and your family will never see you again. Over 1 million people vanished between 1979 and Saddam’s fall! That’s over 2.5% of the countries population!


Under American occupation it is now unsafe to walk the street and if you are a woman gang rape is common place..

Shootings and violent attacks happen in massively greater numbers than before the war. There is no longer a steady electricity supply and the phones are tempermental at best.

All non-muslim places of worship have been burnt and most Christians and Jews have fled to other countries.


As a country of 26.5 million people and relatively the population is split 50/50 among the genders (possibly not exact due to cultural preference for male children) then are you saying that gang rape is common place among over 10 million women? or are you referring to the major cities in the middle of the country as both the northern (Kurdish control) and the southern (British control) are relatively peaceful compared to Baghdad.


I very much doubt people are happy he has gone! It was a double edged sword at best. Get rid of a dictator to be replaced by an American puppet government after its oil. This is the worst case scenario! I pity the people of Iraq and who is to blame? We are for not putting more pressure on Tony Blair.


You may doubt people are happier, but that’s your opinion. People no longer fear their rulers. I have seen many interviews with "Ordinary Iraqis" who rejoice at their new found freedom. Many, many people are now free to pursue their lives, so please do not misrepresent the Iraqi people as all being unhappy Saddam has gone!


Iraqi oil is being sold on the open market to pay compensation to neighbouring courtiers it has invaded and or attacked. To rebuild the countries economy and to pay for international intervention, i.e. both the gulf wars.


And now you say we should bomb Iran???

Why? They are developing nucleur weapons? We have them and so do many other countries. Iran is a more volatile country but they would not be stupid enough to attack the west as we vastly outnumber them.


No, I do not believe currently we should take any action against Iran, Diplomacy should always prevail and every avenue to discussion should be taken before even mentioning the word bomb or war.


I also find some peoples view that "if we have nuclear bombs then why shouldn't they have them" both laughable and concerning. There is such thing as the nuclear proliferation pack that by design was drawn up to halt the building of nuclear arsenals. We do not need more nuclear weapons, we need less.


Now Iran for 12 years denied they had a nuclear experimentation program until recently. Iran was secretly experimenting in the field of nuclear fission. Now you may say if you have nothing to hide why deny the program. This is my point. If the program was so innocent, why deny and hide it?


So today we have a questionably elected leader of a country who persists on going back on previous agreements made to both the UN and the EU. They have called for the annihilation of both a UN recognised country and a religious group. Who has refused all offers by Europe for help in building light water reactors, which use material that cannot be enriched for bomb making purposes, in favour of heavy water reactors whose materials can? So people are right to worry. There will no doubt be more to come on this. I hope the Iranian President is just posturing post election success and he will settle down to the real issues and start focusing on helping his people climb out of poverty.


Suggested reading: aswat al iraq


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Originally posted by kirky

well if they are making nuclear weapons i say yes..sooner the better,i don't think they would think twice about launching a nuclear attack on the west so i think the place needs flattening.

dont think their elastic is strong enough to reach us mate :D
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Originally posted by Cyclone

No, I was talking about "George Bush" and "democratically elected".


I think you are referring to Bush's first election success which was questioned but after many recounts he was inaugurated as president.


His second election success was never questioned.

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Originally posted by Cyclone

The way I see it, we have no justification for interfering in Iran in anyway.

If they are signatories to the NNPT then they should suffer whatever sanctions the break of that treaty warrants.

But they are a sovereign state and can withdraw from the NNPT if they wish.


This time there is definitely without a shadow of a doubt (or possible government spin) no legal basis for taking any military action.


So given the fact that any sovereign state can back out if they wish, do you feel the same way about the USA backing out of the kyoto agreement? Or is that different because it’s the USA?

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Originally posted by venger

According to Fox News only, he actually lost, but hey, who needs democracy :clap:


That was a mistake made by Fox and again that was the first election. he was re-elected with a resounding majority the second time round so any question of his validity as president is misguided at best and at worst is plain ignorant.

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