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Will you ditch the car to use the tram?


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"If your sole aim was, as you imply, to Quote: suggest reasons why someone might be/feel healthier for using public transport that is all you had to do, however as you have consistantly given links to studies you seem to believe authenticate that viewpoint one can only reasonably assume that you have in fact tried to provide evidence".



Correct, what I have done is to show why someone might make this observation and that it was not unique.

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"If your sole aim was, as you imply, to Quote: suggest reasons why someone might be/feel healthier for using public transport that is all you had to do, however as you have consistantly given links to studies you seem to believe authenticate that viewpoint one can only reasonably assume that you have in fact tried to provide evidence".



Correct, what I have done is to show why someone might make this observation and that it was not unique.


What you have done is tried to provide evidence for your assertion that you claimed you didn't try to provide evidence for.

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I'd only shift from car to public transport if I had no other choice, because it would limit me in the number of things that I could achieve and places I could go, due to my mobility decreasing enormously over the last few years and the distance from the bus and tram stops to my home being enough to cause me problems getting back home again after a trip out on public transport.

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You can get a sweat on driving , all that gear changing is hard work you know. ;)


First gear.

Inch forward a few metres.




First gear.

Inch forward a few metres.







Yep. I can see you'd get a limited amount of exercise from that. ;)

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What assertion have I made?


Come off it.


That someone might feel/be healthier for using public transport.


You them claimed that this wasn't your position just that you were making a comment - a comment you claimed you hadn't tried to present evidence for despite the fact that you have provided evidence for it, several times.


Let's try another route as you seem to be in denial about what you're actually doing.


What is your position on the health benefits of using public transport?

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I've already done this. I gave up my car almost 2 years ago due to rising fuel and upkeep costs and it was the best thing I've ever done. I catch the bus and tram to and from work now and much prefer it. It can be annoying but the amount of money I save and the fact that I'm now so much healthier outweighs any inconvenience


My bold-not my assertion.

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