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Brown knew he could not do PM job says Straw


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Scotland is going it alone laddie in 2014 that id put my last Scottish £1 on such

i stay here in "Gods Land" :love: and you little fella jist better get used to such

as Engerlund are certainly gonna miss Bonnie Scotland thats fir sure


and only when Scotland have left the UK to become Independant

only then it shall all hit home to Cameron and Clegg as just why did they mess

with such a Beautiful Country around so much


with the always thinking for their rich buddies in London and the South

We dont forget Maggie Thatcher also she it was whom broke all Government rules


rules being not one part of the British Isles shall be taxed on its own


And she put the poll tax only in Scotland 1 year before the rest of the UK

in otherwords she only used Scotland as Guinnea pigs and at the same time

she broke that rule by doing such ..Just look at her now :hihi:


I fail to see how your response is a valid reply to my request of:


Can you quantify the economic reasons why a higher population is a positive factor in creating a new currency.


Scotland will not become Independent and if Sammond was so sure he would allow a Yes or No answer.

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A couple of points.


Blair won 3 GE's for Labour and won them well, history will judge him as a success I believe. I tend to think that he had his hands tied with the Iraq war and think that its easy to snipe from the background. We'll never know the pressure that he and the government were under to back up the yanks. And no, I didn't agree with the war, just as I didn't agree with the Falklands war, which I still think was opportunistic.


I think that Blair's biggest error was trying to get 50% of school leavers to university when the country was crying out for tradesmen, designers and engineers. Not for ceramics or media studies graduates.


On Jack Straw, he and his pals have to take some of the blame for not standing up to Brown, he was a meglomaniac and bully who lacked the personality and charisma to ever be elected.


The tories knew it and the media knew it, but the Labour party seemed to stand idly by and accept their fate. Was it done on purpose??

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I think that Blair's biggest error was trying to get 50% of school leavers to university when the country was crying out for tradesmen, designers and engineers. Not for ceramics or media studies graduates.


Considering Labour introduced tuition fees, it makes you consider if he had a motive for his actions.

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It was a flippant comment as I could never have spoken for all voters. I do wonder why you wish to detract from the actual subject of this thread and instead choose to personally attack the creator.


I'm sorry you are unable to see beyond the black and white but maybe you're more like the one eyed Scottish idiot than the rest of us.


The one-eyed comment betrays your hypocrisy.My point was that your use of stats was employed to to support Jack Straw,but the facts were wrong,making your assertion accordingly inaccurate.My attack was on the data ,you are being spiteful and childish,name-calling like a 12 year old kid,by criticising a disabled person so soon after we have witnessed the 2012 London triumph.

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Name calling doesn't seem as witty if you have to reference their real names so people know who you're talking about. :rolleyes:


I suppose you don't do it then? I can feel your anger from here. It's great to know we so called "Socialists" have so much power over you.

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Considering Labour introduced tuition fees, it makes you consider if he had a motive for his actions.


It was also funny how Mandelson commissioned the review of university funding that recomended the raising of tuition fees to £9000. So had Brown won in 2010 we would still have had the fees increase.




Perhaps the idea was to price universities out of the reach of some but open up the system to the children of the world's rich.

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I think in two years time the discussion will be the same, but substitute Brown for Milliband.


During the conference this week lots of Labour MPs are being put on the spot about Miliband's suitability for the role and they're all defending him to the hilt, which I'd expect from any party member about their leader.


It will be interesting to see who will be the first to "do a Straw" and say that Milliband wasn't fit for the job.

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I think in two years time the discussion will be the same, but substitute Brown for Milliband.


During the conference this week lots of Labour MPs are being put on the spot about Miliband's suitability for the role and they're all defending him to the hilt, which I'd expect from any party member about their leader.


It will be interesting to see who will be the first to "do a Straw" and say that Milliband wasn't fit for the job.


Thats an interesting point. I was looking at some opinion polls this week. They show very different results. If people are asked if they will vote Labour at the next election, Labour do very well. But asked if they will vote Labour with Miliband in charge the polling drops by about 20%. The man in the street doesn't get Miliband, and the more they get to know about him the less they like. So I suppose if things are getting tighter on the run up to the next election Labour could ditch him and improve their electability.

There is just one fly in the ointment. When asked if they would vote Labour with Balls or Cooper in charge the poll rating drops even further. Although it would increase if the other Miliband were in charge. You know that one who hasn't spoken a word in the last 2 years.

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