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A few from me - unedited


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Nice views, but nothing particularly exciting to me.


The geese, I think I'd crop out the water and the two birds on the right hand side, so that you've got a solid wall of geese waddling towards you.


The sunset, if you wanted to make it a bit moody, you could crop just by the last duck on the left, and have one lonely bird dashing to roost across the vast expanse of the water. The water trail indicates that it's in a desperate hurry to get home haha, just looked at this again, and seen that it's actually 2 birds. Shoulda gone to Spexsavers! :blush:


The sheep, I'd deffo crop the dog's back legs out. Maybe even focus in more on the sheep and cut out more of the distant view/water.


It really depends on what you want to imply with your pix. Do you just want a memory of a good day out, or something a bit 'arty'?

Edited by natjack
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Nice views, but nothing particularly exciting to me.


The geese, I think I'd crop out the water and the two birds on the right hand side, so that you've got a solid wall of geese waddling towards you.


The sunset, if you wanted to make it a bit moody, you could crop just by the last duck on the left, and have one lonely bird dashing to roost across the vast expanse of the water. The water trail indicates that it's in a desperate hurry to get home :)


The sheep, I'd deffo crop the dog's back legs out. Maybe even focus in more on the sheep and cut out more of the distant view/water.


It really depends on what you want to imply with your pix. Do you just want a memory of a good day out, or something a bit 'arty'?


Thanks for your comments, as this stage, I am wanting to get use to my camera (Canon 600D) and learn how to edit pictures to enhance them really.


Hi Rascal an example of a couple of edits options, but you really need to just play around and experiment, and see what you can come up with.


I will have a little play with both of your ideas and see how I get on.


Thanks again.

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I think that the geese would have been improved by being closer on the geese and losing the green to the left and the bird coming out of the water on the right, so that the shot was just 'geese' rather than 'geese in landscape'. It's a lovely shot as it is, but if you're looking for ways you could improve...

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