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Winnie Johnson dies without knowing where Brady and Hindley buried her son

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Wasn't it a bid odd of the police to release that non-story about him giving the whereabouts of Keith Bennett's body to his prison visitor just 2 days before Keith's mum died?


It was a non-story because it was all based on speculation yet the national news ran with it. Any decent police service (who weren't feeding stories to the press) would have checked the story, found the evidence, dug the moor and found the body before spreading such a story.


(suspicious/cynical smiley)

I believe that children are our future. Unless we stop them now.


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Wasn't it a bid odd of the police to release that non-story about him giving the whereabouts of Keith Bennett's body to his prison visitor just 2 days before Keith's mum died?


It was a non-story because it was all based on speculation yet the national news ran with it. Any decent police service (who weren't feeding stories to the press) would have checked the story, found the evidence, dug the moor and found the body before spreading such a story.


(suspicious/cynical smiley)


You seem to be suggesting the police had an ulterior motive for doing this but I can't see what.

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You seem to be suggesting the police had an ulterior motive for doing this but I can't see what.


To be honest I'm struggling for a reason myself....so why did they release the story before even looking for or finding the body?

I believe that children are our future. Unless we stop them now.


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Wasn't it a bid odd of the police to release that non-story about him giving the whereabouts of Keith Bennett's body to his prison visitor just 2 days before Keith's mum died?


It was a non-story because it was all based on speculation yet the national news ran with it. Any decent police service (who weren't feeding stories to the press) would have checked the story, found the evidence, dug the moor and found the body before spreading such a story.


(suspicious/cynical smiley)


Casually going out and digging up Saddleworth moor isn't something that you can hide, as soon as GMP takes a spade onto the moor someone will see it and the press will find out. At that point the cat is out of the bag, so I can understand why they told the press first.

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I'm not seeking any high ground.


It's natural that people of a certain age wish vengeance against people who commit vile crimes against the most vulnerable people i.e. defenceless kids.


That Brady is still alive at tax payers' expense sums up what is totally wrong with this country. Keith Bennett's mum has died not knowing where her child was buried.


HIS rights were clearly of more relevance than hers.


If that makes you happy then, as I said, your a part of the problem.


So what you are saying is that you are using the grotesque murder of those kids and the tape recording of one of them to win a point on a forum on the internet right. You sad little man how dare you...









Now - before you go fulminating off in self righteous indignation that was my intent. Your feeling of annoyance at my statement above, your feelings of indignation and insult are the same as those that people feel when you post such rubbish as this.


Anyone who feels like they can defend any actions perpetuated by Hindlley, Brady and Huntley can in my opinion only support what they did. There are no grey areas here.


Their crimes are beyond my comprehension - why are they worthy of anyone's defence?


No one is defending them that I can see, but you don;t get to accuse people of that sort of thing just because they happen to have a different point of view to you. There are always shades of grey - there might not be fifty, but there is room for different opinions.

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I agree with the previous 2 posters.


But I'm sceptical that Ian Brady would even know where Keiths body is buried. It's been 40 years (ish). Is he going to give an ordnace survey grid reference? I hardly think so. He's probably got no idea! He's merely playing everyone, as he's always done!


I agree with you. I also believe he cant remember where they hid the body. I have seen these moors, and they are vast.

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I agree with you. I also believe he cant remember where they hid the body. I have seen these moors, and they are vast.


Hindley once said I think that she saw the rocks of Hollin Brown Knoll against the sky as they buried the body. That only narrows it down to about oh I dunno five square kilometers of moor.


Should be able to search that in under a century by hand. Maybe. It's awfully unforgiving and difficult terrain.


I once was asked by a policeman what I was doing by the moor late at night and why I'd walked out away from the road. (trying to get signal on the phone for the AA as it happened.) Apparently since the moors are so well known as a place where you can't find a body, they keep an eye out for people doing just that sort of thing as it is likely to give others ideas....

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My late Father-in-law told us that when he was doing his national service they had to spend a couple of nights on Saddleworth Moor and he could always remember what a spooky desolate place it was and even though when he was there it was spring time he said during the day it was totally silent no bird song, nothing just silence. This was before these awful events took place. He said he was very relived to get away from the Moors and would never ever go back it spooked him so much.


RIP Mrs Johnson and little Keith

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I know its not one of the best topics to start on but i just wanted to say what a brave woman Winnie Johnson was, as-well as strong. All these years she has tried to find her son, begged that piece of scum to tell her and he hasn't!! i know there is not a decent bone in his body but he's put so many people through enough that he could have at least told her where he was......Its such a shame that she lost her battle to cancer with out knowing where her little boy was, maybe now she has peace, and finally has her little keith safe in her arms.


I really hope that that half-breed Never gets to move to the Scottish prison he wants to be at as he never gave anyone anything that they needed!!! i know my views are not shared with everyone but i really hope he stays alive long enough to suffer, just as he made those children suffer!! and as for Myra Hindley i hope your rotting in hell!!!! if you hadn't lured those children in to the car then maybe they would still be here. how can anyone woman stand by and let some scumbag torture innocent children? you both deserve everything you get in the after-life. (sorry if that sounds nasty but that's how i feel)


Mrs Winnie Johnson and Keith Bennett goodnight and sweet-dreams R.I.P xxxxx



Edited by lauras6
spelling mistake
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