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Romney: England is just a small island that makes stuff nobody wants

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I agree. How would we like it if Iran said, 'Sheffield should be wiped off the face of the earth? '
That is a highly disputed speech that you are referencing and if you look about on the forum you will be able to see that the words have been interpreted in different ways with some even saying that it was not actually said at all how you put it.


If you Google it in fact it shows how controversial and disputed that speech is.

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If you Google it in fact it shows how controversial and disputed that speech is.


nobody is disputing that Iran wants Israel as a state with a Jewish character, and of course with the name Israel (a name which no modern Iranian politician or cleric, has ever said in public as they prefer to call it Zionist Entity or Stain of Shame) done away with, not there was anything new about that, in the 2005 speech. That has been Iran's position since 1979.

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nobody is disputing that Iran wants Israel as a state with a Jewish character, and of course with the name Israel (a name which no modern Iranian politician or cleric, has ever said in public as they prefer to call it Zionist Entity or Stain of Shame) done away with, not there was anything new about that, in the 2005 speech. That has been Iran's position since 1979.

Like I said its controversial and by no means as clear cut as people would have you believe, even your interpretation is debatable and no doubt you will have been party to some debate about it on this forum yourself.


When anyone says 'nobody is disputing' then its a pretty good indicator that there actually is.

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this myth is repeated often to the point where even a lot of American politicians believe it, but it is just not true, certainly not today, in 2012. I'm not even sure, if it has ever been true.The Jewish American vote is just not especially important in American presidential elections.


first of all, Jewish Americans are few in number in the first place, furthermore they are not spread evenly around the country. There are hardly any of them in any of the real key battleground Swing States, except Florida, where they still represent only 3.4% of the population. Compare that to Hispanics in Florida - they are pushing 25%, in this key state. This is where Romney should be looking for votes, not Jewish America.Those states with relatively large Jewish American populations (New York is the largest at 8%) are Democratic bankers Obama has in the bag.


If as you claim that the purpose of Romney's visit to Israel was not in fact to court the Jewish-American vote then why did he choose to visit Israel over say France, Germany or for that matter Saudi Arabia all three key allies of the US? Even the press are saying that by visiting Israel Romney is hoping to steal at least some Jewish-American votes away from Obama and with the outcome of the Presidential race predicted to be extremely close then every vote counts as Romney must be well aware of.

As for Poland? Americans of Polish heritage are almost as numerous as those of Irish heritage.


Anyway I for one am happy that he decided to take this trip to test his diplomatic prowess. All he's done is insult a key ally, (the UK), angered the Palestian leaders over his tactless remark about the Israelis being a lot smarter than the Palestinians and his press secretary shouting at the press to "shove off" while on a visit to the tomb of the unknown soldier in Poland, a place sacred to the Polish people.


Keep up the good work Mitt :hihi::thumbsup:

Edited by Harleyman
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I don't know very much about this man apart from what party he belongs too,all i know is his unwelcome gaffes don't seem to making him very popular in some circles,and seeing something on the news tonight implying that he had criticised our Olympic games security methods. Well! how very dare he.

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If as you claim that the purpose of Romney's visit to Israel was not in fact to court the Jewish-American vote then why did he choose to visit Israel over say France, Germany or for that matter Saudi Arabia all three key allies of the US? Even the press are saying that by visiting Israel Romney is hoping to steal at least some Jewish-American votes away from Obama.



ok then. You tell me exactly where the Jewish American vote, actually matters in the United States when it comes to presidential elections.


here is that list of battleground states again, only this time I'll insert the proportion of Jewish Americans, that live in each of them :


Colorado 1.8%

Florida 3.4%

Iowa 0.2%

Nevada 2.8%

New Hampshire 0.8%

Ohio 1.3%

Virginia 1.2%

New Mexico 0.6%

North Carolina 0.3%

Pennsylvania 2.3%

Wisconsin 0.5%


see what I'm getting at? The so-called 'importance of the Jewish vote' is just one of those stupid myths that gets bandied about and repeated so often, people come to believe it, even when it doesn't stand up to the slightest scrutiny. The Jewish vote is important in New York, and especially New York City elections, but not much anywhere else.

Edited by callippo
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Britain is the second largest exporter of services in the world,


Britain is the largest offshore producer of oil and gas in the world.


Britain has the largest merchant fleet in the world.


America has five times the population of Britain, but if Britain's economy or military were five times larger they would be bigger than that of America.


We are but a poor island nation, who nobody envies.

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Oh and our largest physical exports are oil and gas, pharmaceuticals, and motor vehicles and parts.


and no bugger in the rest of the world wants those...


It makes you wonder how in the world someone in his position of power could make such ignorant statements...


especially when we make most of their high tech weaponry, such as cruise missiles, and fighter jets.

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