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Why can't people cut their hedges?

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I have walked along our street today and the hedges at the front of the houses are completely out of control. Some of them are right up past their front windows and it must be incredibly dark inside they must need to have the lights on permanently. Why cant people keep them under control? You can buy cheap shears or hedgecutters these days and if you keep doing it regularly then it doesn't get out of control. It makes the area look very down trodden and unkempt, not a good look at all. Come on all you householders get out there and take a bit of pride in your homes.

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There are some top excuses in this thread...........


I drove through the wybourn estate yesterday and was amazed to see that out of about two hundred houses I past only about 2 or 3 gardens were maintained to any sort of standard.

People who live in council house and don't maintain or make provision for maintainence of their gardens should be moved into flats and make way for others who would apreciate the privelage.

The place looks a disgrace.

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I am the proud owner of brand new petrol hedge trimmers I can't get out to use them because I don't have a petrol hedge.


* No Green Bin

* Sheffield Council have stopped supplying green bags and no longer collect them. (If this is incorrect please inform me how to obtain this service).

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