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Royal Mail Delivery Service

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not all get away with it take a look here https://www.myroyalmail.com/mrm/appnews/Courier.aspx


if you click on april it will be a 4mb download scroll down and you will find convictions,there are some in every months publication but you will have to understand that to obtain these convictions takes time, did your friend confront the postie? royal mail have there own internal investigations branch i'm sure if she phoned her delivery office manager they would have been informed...


Thats very good to know, now maybe they can train them better also :o

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some are ex police how much training do you want...


So being ex police makes them better trained to deliver mail to the right homes?, make me wonder why they are EX police


Anyway off to bed, exam tomorrow, but on a last note, I am sure many are great, just a shame mine seem to shove everyone elses post through my door

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sorry i meant the investigation branch,it's a shame you are having problems you should point it out to your postie and if nothing changes go higher and hopefully it will get sorted...


Good luck with your exam

Edited by pacman123
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Why do you need your mail earlier? Royal Mail is a daily service, not a morning service.




It is possible to get self closing gates. They are on springs and automatically close after being opened. This is the solution to your problem, and will stop you getting so frustrated.




This is what you should be doing anyway, mistakes happen - but this lets your postman know that he is making a mistake.


Why do I want my mail earlier: I ordered something from an online store which was to arrive in a jiffy bag by first class post, the store posted it Tuesday 12th June 2012, Thursday 14th June at 2.45pm having not recieved my package I contacted the store from which I had ordered the goods to complain that I had paid for first class postge and goods had not arrived....... 15 minutes after the post drop on the doormat, if the post had arrived the previous day as it should have done ( first class ) and had arrived at a time that the majority of people expect their post then I wouldn't have had to complain to the store and I could have used the goods I had purchased much earlier.


Its possible to get self closing gates: Why should I have to put myself to further expence in changing my gate because of someone who can't be bothered to close it - only takes a couple of seconds !

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What? He stands talking for a whole hour? Does this happen every day? A full hour in every working day, 365 days a year? Has he got nothing better to do? Does he know that people in S13 are desperately waiting for their post.


To get post delivered after 3pm is truly disgusting!


Sometimes he's in a rush and only chats for about 45 minutes, other times he has a chat but then delivers a few letters and goes back for another chat.

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Why do I want my mail earlier: I ordered something from an online store which was to arrive in a jiffy bag by first class post, the store posted it Tuesday 12th June 2012, Thursday 14th June at 2.45pm having not recieved my package I contacted the store from which I had ordered the goods to complain that I had paid for first class postge and goods had not arrived.......
They don't guarantee to deliver the next day. If you needed next day, you should have used a different service. It's "normally delivers next working day". Factor in that the seller may have missed the only collection of the day from the post box/office they posted it in and I'm surprised you got it so quickly to be honest.

My postie always used to leave my gate open. Annoyed me as out-of-control dogs then messed my garden. Ended up buying a spring-returned one for a few quid. You can't rely on posties to shut the gate.

I never had any real gripe with postal deliveries, my issue was with the collections from the sorting office when I couldn't take delivery because I was at work. Their opening hours are highly inconvenient to say the least!

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sorry i meant the investigation branch,it's a shame you are having problems you should point it out to your postie and if nothing changes go higher and hopefully it will get sorted...


Good luck with your exam


oh right thats understood more lol, and i never see my postie, being at college every day, its very rare and thanks ill need it haha

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Does it really matter what time it comes?


You can send a letter from Sheffield and it can be in London the next day.


It's a very good service.




You lot are expecting a postie to get into work at crack of dawn, sort their walks and deliver it to you before you set out to work. They must apparently be cheerful and polite yet not speak to anyone. And all for the cost of the 60p first class stamp. They deliver 6 days a week (7 near christmas) in baking sun or lashing rain (except the recent Doncaster scandal!) or freezing icy conditions risking the attack of dogs and the abusive people and all you can do is call them.


If you have a problem with your postperson make a formal complaint. Please do not tar them all with the same brush.

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