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Anxiety and panic attacks


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Bloody horrible experience, I suffered back in 2005 really badly but didn't bother to seek help, just dealt with it myself which looking back was a bad idea as it lasted months. Try your GP though, I'd imagine they can send you in the right direction.


Best of luck...

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i have had these for over 20 years, had cbt, twice and it never worked, had numerous pills prescribed for it and the only one that worked for me was fluoxetine...http://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CDwQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fen.wikipedia.org%2Fwiki%2FFluoxetine&ei=R5GdT7GhPM2v8QP2iuXdDg&usg=AFQjCNHa8TAzA-pY3xBhcW2w0-q_xIIwIA&sig2=E0qo7ETTJnXl30buf_XAjg


it is still hard you still get the oh my god i am going to die feeling, but it does lessen that feeling and of course you always get through the situation. but my advice is to always do whatever you need to do, dont be put off by those feeling and become isolated.

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I've suffered from them over the years and it can be very scary. I wouldn't go onto medication for them straightaway without doing a bit of self help first. Am sure there will be info on the web to help you but its a matter of controlling your breathing which in turn stops the heart racing away.


Its amazing how many people do or have suffered from them and this in itself gave me comfort. Yoga also helps me. Hope you feel better soon :)

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Ask for a referral to the cognitive Behavioural therapy service at Nether Edge Hospital, if it's still based there. There are plenty of mental health professionals who have dabbled in some aspect of CBT and have limited experience but you do need a fully qualified therapist to be effective

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Thanks for the replies, ive suffered with them for around 15 years now, half my life. Medication after medication untill i made the decision to quit the pills. Went cold turkey, was truely an horrible time. I had to do mi sen as i'd lost all confidence in my doctor. Been refered to cbt therapists even a shrink and found them both patronising and unsympathetic. To look at me you'd probably think i'd not a care in the world and that somet like this wouldn't bother someone like me, god, its a daily fight, that i often lose. Thanks again for your replies. Btw, never knew about 'no panic sheffield' worth a try. ;-)

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