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British gas pre payment meter owners beware! Con-men in area

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Hi my nan has fallen victim to a scam involving a man dressed in an old uniform of British gas calling round to her house saying she needed her gas meter card changing and her meter reading she let him in as he was wearing the British gas uniform he had a bunch of cards on him and he put each one in to the gas meter and before she had money on the meter and after he left there was only £10 left on the meter

since then my nan has tried topping up her gas card and it wouldn't register in the meter we phoned British gas who weren't aware of anyone visiting my Nans house so a real British gas engineer called round today who had no idea what that other man had done to the meter and that he had 2 other calls he's been to that had experienced the same problems.

We've just had police and CID round taking a statement and according to the gas engineer it had happened in S12 and S5 so please be wary of any men calling round with British gas uniforms and ask to see ID's

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Thanks for the tip of luv! He'd be lucky with my bloody meters both British Gas, they've gobbled up £50 between them this week alone.....it's British Gas themselves doing it the barstewards....so if this bloke comes to mine I will lay him out for being a cheeky Twonk!

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no worries happy to help :)

British gas called my nan after I posted this and said even if the man has an ID dont let him in as they have suspicions he used to work for british gas as he wears the old navy blue uniform as british gas employees and contractors have a light blue uniform now C.S.I have been to dust the meter for prints!

Cant believe how thorough the police are being hats off to them they were wonderful with my nan nan and put her at ease as she was fretting quite a bit.

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Hi my nan has fallen victim to a scam involving a man dressed in an old uniform of British gas calling round to her house saying she needed her gas meter card changing and her meter reading she let him in as he was wearing the British gas uniform he had a bunch of cards on him and he put each one in to the gas meter and before she had money on the meter and after he left there was only £10 left on the meter

since then my nan has tried topping up her gas card and it wouldn't register in the meter we phoned British gas who weren't aware of anyone visiting my Nans house so a real British gas engineer called round today who had no idea what that other man had done to the meter and that he had 2 other calls he's been to that had experienced the same problems.

We've just had police and CID round taking a statement and according to the gas engineer it had happened in S12 and S5 so please be wary of any men calling round with British gas uniforms and ask to see ID's


these people want burning ripping off oaps in their home. what are some of the scummy people in sheffield like these days? dogs. :rant:

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British Gas do not send engineers to work on customers meters without pre contacting them by phone, this is company policy, anyone turning up unannounced should be treated with suspicion.


Even meter readers? Because they have never pre-arranged to call at mine.

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