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Sheffield Local Elections 2012

Sheffield Local Elections 2012 : who will you vote for?  

322 members have voted

  1. 1. Sheffield Local Elections 2012 : who will you vote for?

    • Lib Dems
    • Labour
    • Green Party
    • Tory
    • UKIP
    • English Democrats
    • Independent

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So far (apart from the random throughout the year focus newsletter from the LDs) in the campaigning period I've had a full colour A3 size sheet telling me all the stuff the LD candidate is planning to do if elected, a closely typed b/w small print A4 from the Socialists, and a knock on the door from them, tonight I got a hand addressed, printed but looking like handwritten letter from the LDs candidate. I've had nothing so far from any of the other parties ... so a choice of two. Dilemma, who shall it be?? :)


So far I have only had Lib Dem. I even have a Independent in my ward, I haven't got a clue what he stands for,but how do I find out before Thursday?

I expect a red rosette to win in my area, that's what happens in Sheffield. The biggest village in England, and oh boy do we have more than one!

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I'd vote Tory if I were you. At least they shaft people properly. There is clearly no point in voting Lib Dem. You might as well get off the fence and vote for a proper party.


I've had leaflets from all three major parties. The Labour and Lib Dem ones were embarrasing really, just a set of jibes at each other. The Green leaflet was the most balanced and readable.


On the whole, I calculate my vote like this:


I won't vote Tory, because I find them repugnant. Even though the candidate is a friend of mine:)


I won't vote Lib Dem. See above, except that Scriven is no friend of mine.


I won't vote Labour, because they are not Labour.


So, Bernard Little. Congratulations. Green it is. Bernard is also the only man to have knocked on my door and explained himself to me.




So on that basis, if the only person to have knocked on your door and explained himself to you, was the loony Steve Moxon, you would be voting for him?:confused:

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Guest sibon
So on that basis, if the only person to have knocked on your door and explained himself to you, was the loony Steve Moxon, you would be voting for him?:confused:



No. I have dogs for people like him:D


I like Bernard though.

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I seem to remember you pondering over whether or not to join the Conservatives after the last election Rubes, you had second thoughts?
I probably said that because of the overwhelming stench of sour grapes from you lot :)


I won't be joining any party. I'm a free spirit these days. I float hither and yon, like a dandelion clock. Except when I come into the orbit of a Labourite, then I am repulsed and fly off at a tangent. :D


And you can't call me Rubes. You're not allowed. :mad:

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You gotta love the people who think that by not voting they are making a point.

You've got to love the naive innocents who think that voting makes any difference.


(It could of course, if people didn't keep doggedly voting for the "big three" all the time.)


An example. Labour and ID cards/surveillance state. Opposed by the Conservatives and Lib Dems. Now what happens when they get into power?


The surveillance state: growing under a coalition that pledged to reverse it


The Boy David said this before the 2010 election


…stopping the state from exerting too much power over us demands another big change. This Government is running not just a control state, but a surveillance state. In 2007, Privacy International ranked Britain’s privacy protections joint 43rd out of 47 countries surveyed – with the worst record in Europe, and only marginally better than Russia and China. Faced with any problem, any crisis – given any excuse – Labour grasp for more information, pulling more and more people into the clutches of state data capture… And the Government doesn’t want to stop with the basic information. They want the most complex, important, personal information there is… Scare tactics to herd more disempowered citizens into the clutches of officialdom, as people surrender more and more information about their lives, giving the state more and more power over their lives. If we want to stop the state controlling us, we must confront this surveillance state.


So anyone who voted for the Boy David on the strength of that might be feeling a mite peeved by plans for real time monitoring of emails, texts and social websites.


Heaven knows there might be another Paul Chambers planning to blow up Robin Hood Airport. :rolleyes:


The same policies get through under different names, in slightly amended forms, regardless.


Voting for the same parties over and over again won't change anything. But of course, voting for a smaller party would be a "wasted vote" (like a voting slip is some kind of lottery ticket or betting slip. You don't get a prize if you "pick the winner" y'know).


The people with real clout are those who pay £250,000 for the Prime Minister's ear (that's the only kind of voting paper that matters).


And it's hardly something unique to the Tories.


Cash for honours: 'Labour deliberately tried to conceal secret loans'


Four Labour MPs implicated in 'cash for influence' scandal


Stephen Byers: just how far a £5,000 cab fare gets you


See what I mean?


And of course, we can't forget the granddaddy of all payoffs.


Tony Of Arabia Earns $43M As Advisor To Kuwait, While Getting Paid By Morgan Stanley And The UN


I'd love to know what sort of "advice" is worth $43 million.


If you really want to influence our politicians, don't vote, start saving your pennies.

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I got a hand addressed, printed but looking like handwritten letter from the LDs candidate.


Me too. How disappointing that it didn't turn out to be a proper party invite!


Still, thank you Ms Reaney for my only local election correspondence so far.

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No leaflets received in our house, but fortunately we have our voting slips.


So after going through the manifesto's (or lack of) my vote goes to Green.


After discussions in our office today, i was surprised that every one of us (9) and their families are voting Green aswell.


Seems the big 3 might take more of a bashing than i thought. Hope so!

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No leaflets received in our house, but fortunately we have our voting slips.


So after going through the manifesto's (or lack of) my vote goes to Green.


After discussions in our office today, i was surprised that every one of us (9) and their families are voting Green aswell.


Seems the big 3 might take more of a bashing than i thought. Hope so!


So outside of the environmental issues, what made you make that decision?

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I got my party invite from the lovely Mr Scrivens,all handwritten in proper ink .None of the biro rubbish for me.Telling me he will be there for me and if I ever need help all I have to do is contact him.No I am not making this up . those were the words used.James Taylor eat your heart out, I've got a friend.

He will laydown in the road to stop lorries and throw his cloak across Whitam road so I can step on it and cross in safety and he will personally give me money that should go to the poor people in the north . Ok I exagerated the last bit.

Edited by digglydog
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