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Help with an Halogen oven..

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Aww thanks folks, so it's just me being a wimp..:hihi:


It's a medium sized chicken, do I use a casserole dish or a metal tray, do I put a bit of butter on it...gaaawd I'm useless..:hihi:


The oven will come with trays you should have one with lots of holes in it place it on that and all the fat drips to the bottom i put bacon on my chickie and have a bacon sandwich while it cooks and it helps in the cooking but you dont have to do that if you need help pm me i rarely use my cooker now ,I do roast pots in it its sooooooooooooo good.

do allsorts in mine currys ,cassaroles jacket potatoes

Edited by sand_dollars
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The oven will come with trays you should have one with lots of holes in it place it on that and all the fat drips to the bottom i put bacon on my chickie and have a bacon sandwich while it cooks and it helps in the cooking but you dont have to do that if you need help pm me i rarely use my cooker now ,I do roast pots in it its sooooooooooooo good


Thank you sand..dollars, I'm cooking a roast dinner on Wed night, so I'll let you know how I go on..:)

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