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Home needed for 2 elderly cats :(


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One of my patients is having to rehome her two cats due to her own ill health. They are both 13 yr old. The female is a long haired black cat and the male is a tabby and white short hair. They are both in good health and both very affectionate. Although they have been together since kittens they can be rehomed seperately as they don't interact much. Please ask around and see if we can help these two elderly felines. The lady in question will have to have them pts if she can't find homes for them, and she is devastated by that thought :(


I have pictures and a more detailed description from the owner if anyone would like more info. Please note that only responsible owners need reply as I will be vetting any potential new owners on behalf of the lady in question. Thanks for reading

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Put them on the brill website http://www.ineedahome.co.uk


Put notices up in your local vets - and pet shops/ grooming salons, boarding kennels.

They don't need to be killed - they can go into boarding cattery - someone will want them - just because the owner is poorly - can she afford to put them into a cattery?


They shouldn't have to die just because she is ill. Have you contacted the Cinamon Trust? They sometimes help in this sort of situation.

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Have tried the Cinnamon Trust. They would only take them in the event of her death if she signed them over whilst she is alive. I think they must've tightened their rules a little as I have had them take animals for otjer patients before without too much difficulty. I guess they are struggling like everyone else. Will get them on that website tomorrow. Thanks Rain :) Isn't there one for elderly cats too? Magsie told me the name of it but I can't remember what she said. Will have to text her

Edited by smudge74
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This is such a shame, are the family not able to take them in. I would be furious if my family didn't take my cats in if my health failed or worse! (just in case they are reading!)


She doesn't really have anybody bless her :(

Edited by smudge74
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Poor lady, and so sad that she has to loose her only companions. What is it why she has to let them go can't she clean the litter up or fetch the food in? Or is she having to go into a home that wont accept them, because many homes will accept pets now a days.


Maybe the Oldies club, but i think thats just for dogs


Ha - bless you for being so Naive Smudge - which I know you aren't

The Cinnamon Trust are not struggling like other charities are. They ask for money saying that they help people in these situations, and then they get left thousands and even hundreds of thousands.

Last year they had an income of £16.5 million and an expenditure of £1.3 million and are sat on about £15m. I do feel they could be doing more with that money than sitting on it - but thats just my naive opion too. To think a little charity like us would try and help all we can because we care about pets being killed needlessly and the pain and sorrow owners like her will be going through because of that - and yet money is just being banked under false pretenses like this I find shocking.


Money should be used for what they make its claims out to be for, and their claims are to help the pets of people who are too poorly to care for them themselves???


Have you tried The Sheffield Cat Shelter - they try to help in cases like this too.

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They'll be going on rainrescuecats.org.uk website today. And I think Smudge is getting them on the Cat Chat site, older cats.


Rain - you're right about the Cinnamon Trust. Sounds good on paper but not so good in reality.

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Is there a friendly, trusted neighbour who could come around to help her look after the cats for now? It sounds like this Lady needs her cats at this time in her life. Then at least it will buy you some time whilst you seek a permanent new home for them. Call The Sheffield Cat Shelter & leave them your details. Although they are overwhelmed with requests for help, at least you are registered with them. They will help if they can, but with dozens of calls for help every day it's really hard for them to be able to help everyone.

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Yep - I know that the Cinnamon Trust do do some fabulous work. I started reading through their site last night once I had had a look - and its amazing what they do achieve. They appeal for helpers to come and look after people's pets.


I suppose we just want someone to help people in this situation and at least charities like the Cinnamon Trust do offer it to lots of people.

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