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Granville Road Fun Fair


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When Farrar's new Mega Fun Fair takes place from March 2 - 11 on the old college site on Granville Road , it marks the first time a fun fair has taken place on Granville road for around 50 years since the old Star and Telegraph Gala which included Lings Fun Fair just across the road used to be held in Farm Grounds.

Wondered how many of you can remember this event that included people diving into water tanks, fire eaters etc.

I am too young to remember it, but have heard some fasinating stories in the past.

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When Farrar's new Mega Fun Fair takes place from March 2 - 11 on the old college site on Granville Road , it marks the first time a fun fair has taken place on Granville road for around 50 years since the old Star and Telegraph Gala which included Lings Fun Fair just across the road used to be held in Farm Grounds.

Wondered how many of you can remember this event that included people diving into water tanks, fire eaters etc.

I am too young to remember it, but have heard some fascinating stories in the past.


I remember the old BOXING booth with the fighters taking on all comers it was such a magical place it seemed so large when we were kids but we were so easily pleased in those days like when the circus came to town walking the animals from Midland station to the Big Top at the Farm grounds.

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I wiel remember the gala and fun fair in the Farm Grounds There is an old thread about it here..:)


I remember it so well as a teenager it was a magical place and i have not seen anything to equal it since-many of us who remember it wonder why it ended and what became of it. one of my older mates who did a bit of amatuer boxing and who we thought would flatten the boxer in the boxing ring had a go in the ring with him and although he did not win,he put up a good fight and drew a good crowd and they actually paid him out.

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We were so easily pleased in those days like when the circus came to town walking the animals from Midland station to the Big Top at the Farm grounds.


My father in law filmed this using his amateur cine camera. Just before his death he donated the film, along with others, to Yorkshire Film Archive. I think there used to be similar footage on the British Pathe website too.

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There also used to be a wall of death rider who must have been 15 feet off floor at top of a large frame - woudn't be allowed now no health and safety in those days. Favourite ride speedway or Noahs Ark as it was called then.

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There also used to be a wall of death rider who must have been 15 feet off floor at top of a large frame - woudn't be allowed now no health and safety in those days. Favourite ride speedway or Noahs Ark as it was called then.


Although they longer feature at fairs, there are still 2 or 3 Wall of Death shows in the UK that appear at shows and Gala's and they still perform as per your description.

The Noahs Ark was a casualty of H & S and most have been converted to Waltzers where the rider is sat down. There are still Arks that are privatley owned and occasionally appear at Steam Rallies and other shows and there are a few in fairground museums but it is vary rare to find one on a fairground these days.

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