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Greedy people borrowed so much they caused the banks to fail?

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So many people in so many posts blame ordinary people for borrowing too much, thus creating this depression/recession/economic repression


Who is the "WE" they go on about? DID…We start the boom do we? Well done, for swallowing the propaganda lies so convincingly!


We, as in ordinary people do not have a say is sod all. Ever tried to borrow from the banks? They never give it away for nothing.


Who controls the money supply controls the economy, the people, the society. SO do WE control the money supply? Do we print money till one needs double the amount to buy the same things? DO WE???


We are allowed to borrow when we are told we can. We have to ask, and at times like now, begging is just amusing for the lenders to watch. Grown men desperate, when before they were so confident, just how the sodding mighty fall.


But its not just businesses who beg, most ordinary folk now prey they will have a job next Christmas, get the presents for the kids, and not have the house re-possessed, the family in the throws of divorce and the kids taken into care.


The people who control the money, control your lives. They influence who works and who does not, who owns a HOME and who does not, who goes to the wall and who remains standing. Money has no conscience, and you are all nonentities when it comes to the bonus culture. You are screwed to make the bonus culture possible, making money from money!


If you basic salary was just a few hundred thousand, but your bonus was well over a million, and all you had to do was manipulate figures, who would not be tempted, easily corrupted? So the individual, or company goes bust, they night have gone anyway, and pushing the corps, or living dead, over the cliff does everyone a favour and feeds the gulls too. Anyway the dead, and dieing live miles away, you will never meet them, so no need to even bother to think, think bonus!


So where and who are "WE"? Do WE decide to go for boom and bust? For a boom one needs lots of available cash, where does that come from? Can anyone actually think a bit deeper than the propaganda message: learning from OUR mistakes. I made no mistakes. No one I know made no mistakes. WE don't run the sodding money supply! We don't create boom and busts! Busts are created when those that create the money supply restrict the amount in circulation.


So you fell for the propaganda lie, of WE! It was designed for the plebs to fight and blame each other while the money lenders made even higher bonuses. So easy to influence (fool) the ignorant!


When you are part of the bonus culture, you have offshore accounts, and your bonus is paid in share options these days, an under the table way of accepting bribes. Your bonus is therefore able to appear reduced, and the public are fooled yet again. Offshore accounts, pay no tax, if they are a shell company, so you pay proportionally more tax than they do. How simple it is to fool ordinary people, with a little help from friends, the media, compliant politicians.


So let us blame the unemployed, single mothers, the ill, the sick, the deserving poor, the old, the deserving old, and they are the cause of the lack of money, they drag us all down don’t they? Its not the Corporate world, that screws everyone, the banks, the puppet governments too weak to control their rich and powerful masters. We can afford wars, giving to the IMF, foreign governments, NOT forgetting the greedy banks, certain businesses, and as for “WE” the people, we can sod off, watch popcorn TV, and know your place. Read the compliant press, “WE” causes the bank failure, just like we caused the war in Iraq, Libya and soon Iran, except we always blame the weaker so we can crush them, like WE are also crushed. Its an education too!


We brought down NORTHERN ROCK by just wanting our money back. THEY now WE stole it, and spent it on investments, without WE the SAVERS being consulted. If WE wanted our cash from the banks right now, the rest would also crash, because they are BROKE, like NORTHERN ROCK.


Maybe its time to wake up and smell the coffee, and stop blaming the mythical "WE"!

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Maybe its time to wake up and smell the coffee, and stop blaming the mythical "WE"!


At least you got the first bit right.


wake up and smell the coffee



You know when you get that junk mail through the post ……… put it in the bin …….. you don’t need a £10,000 loan or another credit card

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I apologise for presenting it in a way that was found to be too long and therefore unread fully. Nice to see the results of an informed population, and suggest you just keep watching the TV, a level easy to understand, simply explained, and served on a need to know basis, as in people do NOT need to know, and apparently don't.

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I apologise for presenting it in a way that was found to be too long and therefore unread fully. Nice to see the results of an informed population, and suggest you just keep watching the TV, a level easy to understand, simply explained, and served on a need to know basis, as in people do NOT need to know, and apparently don't.


Hope you feel better for getting that off your chest!


You are quite right.


Many people on SF have been trying to get this message across to an equal number of SFs who just don't seem to get it.


They seem to believe everything they are told by the media, and you are right to think that it is cleverly designed propaganda to split the plebs and get them arguing among themselves, thus leaving those responsible off the hook.


I sugest people do their own research. You really don't have to dig very deep to unearth some very unsavoury facts that the powers that be would prefer people didn't know about

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Maybe its time to wake up and smell the coffee, and stop blaming the mythical "WE"!


Hmmm ... who's to blame?


Let me think ...


I'm concerned about addiction.


I drink more than I should. Is it The Co-op's fault for having 4 Heineken on special offer tonight making it about 50p a bottle? Or is it my fault for being tempted by the offer? What the heck I'm not working tomorrow.


... and ... if there wasn't a market for drugs would there be drug dealers? If there were no drug dealers could there be any drug addicts?


... I saw a play at The Lyceum many years ago. I think it was by Arthur Miller. One of the themes was mental illness and the idea was put forward that we don't get ill as individuals, we get sick as societies. There are healthy interactions and unhealthy, unproductive, self-defeating, mutually destructive interactions.


When it comes to debt, it's not just individuals, companies or nations that have become addicted to debt - it's a whole swathe of "western" capitalist economies.


We don't have a global economic crisis. Anyone remember what the BRIC economies are doing? Growing?


Europe, America and maybe a few others have a crisis of debt. An addiction to debt. Debt fuelled growth and the subsequent hangover, just like after a drink or drugs fuelled binge.


And with that debt we have addicts and suppliers.


Who's to blame?


The addict or the supplier?


Both are!


We have a sick society.


We don't get sick as individuals. We get sick as societies.


Nobody is blameless.


It takes more than money to make money.


It takes more than money to make a society.


It takes more than money to make us happy.


Let's get over our addiction to money.


Money has it's place, but it's neutral in terms of good or evil.


It's how WE use money that's important.


"WE" are responsible.


We cannot blame somebody else alone.

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Hmmm ... who's to blame?


Let me think ...


I'm concerned about addiction.


I drink more than I should. Is it The Co-op's fault for having 4 Heineken on special offer tonight making it about 50p a bottle? Or is it my fault for being tempted by the offer? What the heck I'm not working tomorrow.


... and ... if there wasn't a market for drugs would there be drug dealers? If there were no drug dealers could there be any drug addicts?


... I saw a play at The Lyceum many years ago. I think it was by Arthur Miller. One of the themes was mental illness and the idea was put forward that we don't get ill as individuals, we get sick as societies. There are healthy interactions and unhealthy, unproductive, self-defeating, mutually destructive interactions.


When it comes to debt, it's not just individuals, companies or nations that have become addicted to debt - it's a whole swathe of "western" capitalist economies.


We don't have a global economic crisis. Anyone remember what the BRIC economies are doing? Growing?


Europe, America and maybe a few others have a crisis of debt. An addiction to debt. Debt fuelled growth and the subsequent hangover, just like after a drink or drugs fuelled binge.


And with that debt we have addicts and suppliers.


Who's to blame?


The addict or the supplier?


Both are!


We have a sick society.


We don't get sick as individuals. We get sick as societies.


Nobody is blameless.


It takes more than money to make money.


It takes more than money to make a society.


It takes more than money to make us happy.


Let's get over our addiction to money.


Money has it's place, but it's neutral in terms of good or evil.


It's how WE use money that's important.


"WE" are responsible.


We cannot blame somebody else alone.


If you're into plays I suggest you watch 'Serious Money' by Carol Churchill, written in the 1980's when unfettered moneterism took off, which clearly demonstrates what a lunatic system our entire banking system is based on.


You might as well put your money on a horse.

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Hmmm ... who's to blame?


Let me think ...


I'm concerned about addiction.


I drink more than I should. Is it The Co-op's fault for having 4 Heineken on special offer tonight making it about 50p a bottle? Or is it my fault for being tempted by the offer? What the heck I'm not working tomorrow.


... and ... if there wasn't a market for drugs would there be drug dealers? If there were no drug dealers could there be any drug addicts?


... I saw a play at The Lyceum many years ago. I think it was by Arthur Miller. One of the themes was mental illness and the idea was put forward that we don't get ill as individuals, we get sick as societies. There are healthy interactions and unhealthy, unproductive, self-defeating, mutually destructive interactions.


When it comes to debt, it's not just individuals, companies or nations that have become addicted to debt - it's a whole swathe of "western" capitalist economies.


We don't have a global economic crisis. Anyone remember what the BRIC economies are doing? Growing?


Europe, America and maybe a few others have a crisis of debt. An addiction to debt. Debt fuelled growth and the subsequent hangover, just like after a drink or drugs fuelled binge.


And with that debt we have addicts and suppliers.


Who's to blame?


The addict or the supplier?


Both are!


We have a sick society.


We don't get sick as individuals. We get sick as societies.


Nobody is blameless.


It takes more than money to make money.


It takes more than money to make a society.


It takes more than money to make us happy.


Let's get over our addiction to money.


Money has it's place, but it's neutral in terms of good or evil.


It's how WE use money that's important.


"WE" are responsible.


We cannot blame somebody else alone.


And the irony is the advert for more loans at the bottom of this page, I would how many people will respond to the advert, take out a loan and then blame SF when they can’t afford to pay it back.

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You can only borrowing money which is made available. Snatcher regeulated the banking industry in 1980 and the banks took the gamble in the hope of generating wealth with interest. OK, that had been happening since before 1980 but not on the scale of 1980 onwards.

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