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Are you happy with the labour Government?

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Originally posted by Skatiechik

Yes lets hope Bliar isn't re-elected next time and the Tories get back in.


Bliar has done nothing for this country IMO


Originally posted by Skatiechik


The sooner labour and 'bliar' go the better


Buzz, repetition Nicholas.:loopy:

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Either you can't read or for some reason you believe my name is Nicholas


Its Skatiechik :P


Sorry about repetition, just fed up with Labour and unhappy with todays government. Mind you, you must be extremely bored at work if you feel it necessary to go through topics of conservation and pick out where people have made the same point twice.



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Originally posted by Skatiechik

Either you can't read or for some reason you believe my name is Nicholas


Its Skatiechik :P


Sorry about repetition, just fed up with Labour and unhappy with todays government. Mind you, you must be extremely bored at work if you feel it necessary to go through topics of conservation and pick out where people have made the same point twice.




Yes I am bored at work, nice of you to ask. I didn't really need to go through the topics as you only made your first 'point' this morning and I remembered it.


Nicholas is a reference to Nicholas Parsons who chairs 'Just A Minute', a radio show where the contestants have to spot repetition, deviation or hesitation, just a whimsy of mine in mentioning it. Sorry.


That aside, I'd be interested in hearing why you're fed up and unhappy. I've posted one or two points, 40 actually, outlining why I'm happy with this government.

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Originally posted by Skatiechik

I will post some reasons later when this sodding headache goes away. :(


Trying to remember which Station Nicholas Parsons is on


Radio 4. Yes, I know, I'm showing my age.:D


Good luck with the headache.

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I have voted Labour all my life, but won't be doing fnext time around. Just what is the point of a democracy if Blair just does as he pleases? he won't listen to anyone other than Bush.


I feel that - rather like when the Thatcher government was in power - the oppostion is so weak that Labour can afford to be complacent, make mistakes and get away with it as there is no real threat.

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Contributors can quote facts, acts, laws etc. etc. but it is the opinion of many that Blair:


1. Has no sense of history or of the value of same, and has changed some well established traditions on a whim.

2. Is endangering the sovereignty of this country.

3. Has messed up education, made transport worse, not improved the health service, taken us into a war on a very flimsy pretext, failed to be 'tough on crime, tough on the causes of crime' and failed to control immigration.

4. Has increased our taxes by unprecedented percentages to pay for the above failures.

5. Has failed abysmally to enact manifesto pledges.

6. Would sign up for the euro tomorrow if he could get away with it, against the opinion of a hefty majority of the population.

7. Has acted like an (unelected) president in pushing for what he personally wants regardless of the opinion of m.p's of all parties and of the electorate i.e. university fees.

8. Has swanned off round the world playing the big guy and ignored the problems at home.

9. Has created a political civil service out of a strictly non-political one.

10. Has created a coterie of sycophants and yes men in the Commons, The Lords, government departments, etc.


And so it goes on and on. What a record for a 'public servant'. The man is a disaster.

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Originally posted by Mo

Lets not forget the dozens of new taxes he has brought in


Lets not forget that there are schools where teachers and Mr Blair is not a popular man and the sooner he goes the better.


So - when you were a Labour Party member, and presumably wanted better public services, how did you square with this your dislike of taxation?


Just curious


I believe in fair redistribution and taxes are the way to achieve this in my view

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I dont know how to do two quotes in one email so here are two quotes from Lickszz


Can you spot any error in reasoning?




Originally posted by Lickszz

They seem to have a policy and have had if for yonks.


'Don't stand in the way of potential votes. Don't rock the boat, keep your heads down and make little noises and soundbites...that way we will get away with it'


I have been rattling on about this for ages.


All destroying this country (and other countries) daily.

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Quote 2 from Lickszz


Originally posted by Lickszz

Contributors can quote facts, acts, laws etc. etc. but it is the opinion of many that Blair:


7. Has acted like an (unelected) president in pushing for what he personally wants regardless of the opinion of m.p's of all parties and of the electorate i.e. university fees.


And so it goes on and on. What a record for a 'public servant'. The man is a disaster.

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